Matthew Bezdek
Matthew Bezdek
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Audience preferences are predicted by temporal reliability of neural processing
JP Dmochowski, MA Bezdek, BP Abelson, JS Johnson, EH Schumacher, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4567, 2014
Viewers' interpretations of film characters' emotions: Effects of presenting film music before or after a character is shown
SL Tan, MP Spackman, MA Bezdek
Music Perception 25 (2), 135-152, 2007
Event representations and predictive processing: The role of the midline default network core
D Stawarczyk, MA Bezdek, JM Zacks
Topics in cognitive science 13 (1), 164-186, 2021
Neural evidence that suspense narrows attentional focus
MA Bezdek, RJ Gerrig, WG Wenzel, J Shin, KP Revill, EH Schumacher
Neuroscience 303, 338-345, 2015
When narrative transportation narrows attention: Changes in attentional focus during suspenseful film viewing
MA Bezdek, RJ Gerrig
Media Psychology 20 (1), 60-89, 2017
Reduced interference in working memory following mindfulness training is associated with increases in hippocampal volume
J Greenberg, VL Romero, S Elkin-Frankston, MA Bezdek, ...
Brain imaging and behavior 13, 366-376, 2019
Functional connectivity within and between intrinsic brain networks correlates with trait mind wandering
CA Godwin, MA Hunter, MA Bezdek, G Lieberman, S Elkin-Frankston, ...
Neuropsychologia 103, 140-153, 2017
“Run for it!”: Viewers’ participatory responses to film narratives.
MA Bezdek, JE Foy, RJ Gerrig
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 7 (4), 409, 2013
Mindfulness-based training with transcranial direct current stimulation modulates neuronal resource allocation in working memory: A randomized pilot study with a nonequivalent …
MA Hunter, G Lieberman, BA Coffman, MC Trumbo, ML Armenta, ...
Heliyon 4 (7), 2018
The effect of visual and musical suspense on brain activation and memory during naturalistic viewing
MA Bezdek, WG Wenzel, EH Schumacher
Biological Psychology 129, 73-81, 2017
Musical emotions in the context of narrative film
MA Bezdek, RJ Gerrig
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5), 578-578, 2008
Changes in attentional focus during suspenseful film viewing
MA Bezdek
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2012
The multi-angle extended three-dimensional activities (META) stimulus set: A tool for studying event cognition
MA Bezdek, TT Nguyen, CS Hall, TS Braver, AF Bobick, JM Zacks
Behavior Research Methods 55 (7), 3629-3644, 2023
Event representations and predictive processing: The role of the midline default network core. Topics in Cognitive Science, 13 (1), 164–186
D Stawarczyk, MA Bezdek, JM Zacks
The role of participation in aesthetic illusion
RJ Gerrig, MA Bezdek
Immersion and distance: Aesthetic illusion in literature and other media 6, 89, 2013
Knowledge and the reliability of constructive memory
JM Zacks, MA Bezdek, GE Cunningham
Memory 30 (1), 22-25, 2022
Conscious and unconscious aspects of task representations affect dynamic behavior in complex situations.
MA Bezdek, CA Godwin, DM Smith, E Hazeltine, EH Schumacher
Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 6 (3), 225, 2019
Uncertainty-driven updating enables human-like segmentation and categorization of naturalistic activity
M Bezdek, T Nguyen, SJ Gershman, A Bobick, TS Braver, JM Zacks
How Movie Events Engage Childrens’ Brains to Combine Visual Attention with Domain-Specific Processing Involving Number and Theory of Mind in a Cinematic Arena
DT Levin, A Mattarella-Micke, MJ Lee, LJ Baker, MA Bezdek, ...
Projections 16 (1), 67-83, 2022
Error-based updating of event representations enables prediction of human activity at human scale
M Bezdek, T Nguyen, SJ Gershman, AF Bobick, T Braver, JM Zacks
PsyArXiv, 2022
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مقالات 1–20