Sergio Zlotnik
Sergio Zlotnik
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Subduction dynamics and the origin of Andean orogeny and the Bolivian orocline
FA Capitanio, C Faccenna, S Zlotnik, DR Stegman
Nature 480 (7375), 83-86, 2011
Proper generalized decomposition for parameterized Helmholtz problems in heterogeneous and unbounded domains: Application to harbor agitation
D Modesto, S Zlotnik, A Huerta
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 295, 127-149, 2015
The subductability of continental lithosphere: The before and after story
D Brown, PD Ryan, JC Afonso, S Zlotnik
Arc-Continent Collision, 53-86, 2011
Proper generalized decomposition of a geometrically parametrized heat problem with geophysical applications
S Zlotnik, P Díez, D Modesto, A Huerta
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 103 (10), 737-758, 2015
Melt fracturing and healing: A mechanism for degassing and origin of silicic obsidian
A Cabrera, RF Weinberg, HMN Wright, S Zlotnik, RAF Cas
Geology 39 (1), 67-70, 2011
Hierarchical X-FEM for n-phase flow (n> 2)
S Zlotnik, P Díez
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (30-32), 2329-2338, 2009
Effects of compositional and rheological stratifications on small‐scale convection under the oceans: Implications for the thickness of oceanic lithosphere and seafloor flattening
JC Afonso, S Zlotnik, M Fernandez
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (20), 2008
A numerical study on hydraulic fracturing problems via the proper generalized decomposition method
D Wang, S Zlotnik, P Díez, H Ge, F Zhou, B Yu
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 122 (2), 703-720, 2020
Small-scale gravitational instabilities under the oceans: Implications for the evolution of oceanic lithosphere and its expression in geophysical observables
S Zlotnik, JC Afonso, P Díez, M Fernández
Philosophical Magazine 88 (28-29), 3197-3217, 2008
Proper generalized decomposition solution of the parameterized Helmholtz problem: application to inverse geophysical problems
M Signorini, S Zlotnik, P Diez
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 109 (8), 1085-1102, 2017
Algebraic PGD for tensor separation and compression: an algorithmic approach
P Díez, S Zlotnik, A García-González, A Huerta
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique 346 (7), 501-514, 2018
Numerical modelling of tectonic plates subduction using X-FEM
S Zlotnik, P Díez, M Fernández, J Vergés
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 196 (41-44), 4283-4293, 2007
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction for parametric problems: A kernel proper orthogonal decomposition
P Díez, A Muixí, S Zlotnik, A García‐González
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122 (24), 7306-7327, 2021
Encapsulated PGD algebraic toolbox operating with high-dimensional data
P Díez, S Zlotnik, A García-González, A Huerta
Archives of computational methods in engineering 27 (4), 1321-1336, 2020
A reduced order approach for probabilistic inversions of 3-D magnetotelluric data I: general formulation
MC Manassero, JC Afonso, F Zyserman, S Zlotnik, I Fomin
Geophysical Journal International 223 (3), 1837-1863, 2020
Generalized parametric solutions in Stokes flow
P Díez, S Zlotnik, A Huerta
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 326, 223-240, 2017
An error estimator for real-time simulators based on model order reduction
I Alfaro, D González, S Zlotnik, P Díez, E Cueto, F Chinesta
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2, 1-16, 2015
A stable extended FEM formulation for multi‐phase problems enforcing the accuracy of the fluxes through Lagrange multipliers
P Diez, R Cottereau, S Zlotnik
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 96 (5), 303-322, 2013
A Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) approach to crack propagation in brittle materials: with application to random field material properties
H Garikapati, S Zlotnik, P Díez, CV Verhoosel, EH van Brummelen
Computational Mechanics 65, 451-473, 2020
Opposite subduction polarity in adjacent plate segments
M Peral, Á Király, S Zlotnik, F Funiciello, M Fernàndez, C Faccenna, ...
Tectonics 37 (9), 3285-3302, 2018
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20