Elizabeth Linda Yuliani
Elizabeth Linda Yuliani
CIFOR, Indonesia
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Assessing the new social forestry project in Indonesia: recognition, livelihood and conservation?
MR Fisher, M Moeliono, A Mulyana, EL Yuliani, A Adriadi, J Judda, ...
International Forestry Review 20 (3), 346-361, 2018
Participatory research and development for sustainable agriculture and natural resource management: a sourcebook
JF Gonsalves
IDRC, 2005
Rights-based approaches: Exploring issues and opportunities for conservation
J Campese
CIFOR, 2009
Integrated landscape approaches in the tropics: A brief stock-take
J Reed, A Ickowitz, C Chervier, H Djoudi, K Moombe, M Ros-Tonen, ...
Land use policy 99, 104822, 2020
Decentralization, deconcentration and devolution: what do they mean
EL Yuliani
Interlaken Workshop on decentralization, 27-30, 2004
The balance of power in household decision-making: Encouraging news on gender in Southern Sulawesi
CJP Colfer, R Achdiawan, JM Roshetko, E Mulyoutami, EL Yuliani, ...
World Development 76, 147-164, 2015
Reducing forestry emissions in Indonesia
LV Verchot, E Petkova, K Obidzinski, S Atmadja, EL Yuliani, A Dermawan, ...
Center for International Forestry Research., 2022
Belajar dari Bungo: mengelola sumberdaya alam di era desentralisasi
H Adnan, D Tadjudin, EL Yuliani, H Komarudin, D Lopulalan, YL Siagian, ...
CIFOR, 2008
Learning to adapt: managing forests together in Indonesia
T Kusumanto, EL Yuliani, P Macoun, Y Indriatmoko, H Adnan
CIFOR, 2005
Conflict management approaches under unclear boundaries of the commons: experiences from Danau Sentarum National Park, Indonesia
Y Yasmi, CJP Colfer, L Yuliani, Y Indriatmoko, V Heri
International Forestry Review 9 (2), 597-609, 2007
Striving for PAR excellence in land use planning: Multi-stakeholder collaboration on customary forest recognition in Bulukumba, South Sulawesi
MR Fisher, T Workman, A Mulyana, B Institute, M Moeliono, EL Yuliani, ...
Land use policy 99, 102997, 2020
The roles of traditional knowledge systems in orang-utan Pongo spp. and forest conservation: a case study of Danau Sentarum, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
EL Yuliani, H Adnan, R Achdiawan, D Bakara, V Heri, J Sammy, ...
Oryx 52 (1), 156-165, 2016
Re-integrating ecology into integrated landscape approaches
J Reed, K Kusters, J Barlow, M Balinga, JR Borah, R Carmenta, ...
Landscape Ecology 36 (8), 2395-2407, 2021
Forest or oil palm plantation? Interpretation of local responses to the oil palm promises in Kalimantan, Indonesia
EL Yuliani, WT De Groot, L Knippenberg, DO Bakara
Land Use Policy 96, 104616, 2020
Belajar beradaptasi: bersama-sama mengelola hutan di Indonesia
T Kusumanto, EL Yuliani, P Macoun, Y Indriatmoko, H Adnan
CIFOR, 2006
Relational values of forests: Value‐conflicts between local communities and external programmes in Sulawesi
EL Yuliani, M Moeliono, A Labarani, MR Fisher, PA Tias, T Sunderland
People and Nature 5 (6), 1822-1838, 2023
Keeping the land: Indigenous communities struggle over land use and sustainable forest management in Kalimantan, Indonesia
EL Yuliani, EBP de Jong, LWJ Knippenberg, DO Bakara, MA Salim, ...
Multi-agent simulation of alternative scenarios of collaborative forest management
H Purnomo, Y Yasmi, R Prabhu, L Yuliani, H Priyadi, JK Vanclay
Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2 (2), 277-292, 2003
Preparing the ground for better landscape governance: gendered realities in southern Sulawesi
CJP Colfer, R Achdiawan, H Adnan, M Moeliono, A Mulyana, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 24 (1), 59-83, 2015
Biofuel Policies and Their Impact on Local People and Biodiversity: A Case Study from Danau Sentarum
EL Yuliani, Y Indriatmoko, MA Salim, IZ Farid, M Muhajir, LB Prasetyo, ...
Borneo Research Bulletin 41, 109, 2010
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20