Jan Harkes
Jan Harkes
Research Scientist, Carnegie Mellon University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
OpenSlide: A vendor-neutral software foundation for digital pathology
A Goode, B Gilbert, J Harkes, D Jukic, M Satyanarayanan
Journal of pathology informatics 4 (1), 27, 2013
Pervasive personal computing in an internet suspend/resume system
M Satyanarayanan, B Gilbert, M Toups, N Tolia, A Surie, DR O'Hallaron, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 11 (2), 16-25, 2007
How close is close enough? Understanding the role of cloudlets in supporting display appropriation by mobile users
S Clinch, J Harkes, A Friday, N Davies, M Satyanarayanan
2012 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communications …, 2012
Computer-aided classification of melanocytic lesions using dermoscopic images
LK Ferris, JA Harkes, B Gilbert, DG Winger, K Golubets, O Akilov, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 73 (5), 769-776, 2015
Transient customization of mobile computing infrastructure
A Wolbach, J Harkes, S Chellappa, M Satyanarayanan
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Virtualization in Mobile Computing, 37-41, 2008
Design tradeoffs in applying content addressable storage to enterprise-scale systems based on virtual machines
P Nath, MA Kozuch, DR O’Hallaron, J Harkes, M Satyanarayanan, N Tolia, ...
management 7 (5), 20, 2006
Integrating Portable and Distributed Storage.
N Tolia, J Harkes, M Kozuch, M Satyanarayanan
FAST 4, 227-238, 2004
Bringing the cloud down to earth: Transient pcs everywhere
M Satyanarayanan, S Smaldone, B Gilbert, J Harkes, L Iftode
Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services: Second International ICST …, 2012
The case for offload shaping
W Hu, B Amos, Z Chen, K Ha, W Richter, P Pillai, B Gilbert, J Harkes, ...
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems …, 2015
A distributed blackboard architecture for interactive data visualization
R van Liere, J Harkes, W De Leeuw
Proceedings Visualization'98 (Cat. No. 98CB36276), 225-231, 1998
Live synthesis of vehicle-sourced data over 4G LTE
W Hu, Z Feng, Z Chen, J Harkes, P Pillai, M Satyanarayanan
Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Modelling, Analysis …, 2017
Openface: Face recognition with deep neural networks
B Amos, B Ludwiczuk, J Harkes, P Pillai, K Elgazzar, M Satyanarayanan
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 1 (2), 6, 2016
Coda File System User and System Administrators Manual
M Satyanarayanan, MR Ebling, J Raiff, PJ Braam, J Harkes
Carnegie Mellon University, 1995
Edge-based discovery of training data for machine learning
Z Feng, S George, J Harkes, P Pillai, R Klatzky, M Satyanarayanan
2018 IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), 145-158, 2018
QuiltView: A crowd-sourced video response system
Z Chen, W Hu, K Ha, J Harkes, B Gilbert, J Hong, A Smailagic, ...
Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and …, 2014
Agentless cloud-wide streaming of guest file system updates
W Richter, C Isci, B Gilbert, J Harkes, V Bala, M Satyanarayanan
2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, 7-16, 2014
{Privacy-Sensitive}{VM} Retrospection
W Richter, G Ammons, J Harkes, A Goode, N Bila, E De Lara, V Bala, ...
3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 11), 2011
The case for content search of vm clouds
M Satyanarayanan, W Richter, G Ammons, J Harkes, A Goode
2010 IEEE 34th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2010
Edge computing for legacy applications
M Satyanarayanan, T Eiszler, J Harkes, H Turki, Z Feng
IEEE Pervasive Computing 19 (4), 19-28, 2020
Standing together for reproducibility in large-scale computing: Report on reproducibility@ XSEDE
D James, N Wilkins-Diehr, V Stodden, D Colbry, C Rosales, M Fahey, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.5557, 2014
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مقالات 1–20