Maria Giuseppina Bruna
Maria Giuseppina Bruna
Full Prof. Management, Dean for Research, Dissemination & Impact; Chair Director "Inclusive Company"
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Board gender diversity and ESG disclosure: evidence from the USA
R Manita, MG Bruna, R Dang, LH Houanti
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 19 (2), 206-224, 2018
Investigating the marginal impact of ESG results on corporate financial performance
MG Bruna, S Loprevite, D Raucci, B Ricca, D Rupo
Finance Research Letters 47, 102828, 2022
Role of financial development for sustainable economic development in low middle income countries
AI Hunjra, M Azam, MG Bruna, D Taskin
Finance Research Letters 47, 102793, 2022
The curvilinear relationship between environmental performance and financial performance: An investigation of listed french firms using panel smooth transition model
BB Lahouel, MG Bruna, YB Zaied
Finance Research Letters 35, 101455, 2020
Does board gender diversity affect firm risk-taking? Evidence from the French stock market
MG Bruna, R Dang, MJ Scotto, A Ammari
Journal of Management and Governance 23, 915-938, 2019
A cross-regional investigation of institutional quality and sustainable development
AI Hunjra, M Azam, MG Bruna, E Bouri
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 84, 101758, 2023
La diversité, un levier de performance: plaidoyer pour un management innovateur et créatif
MG BrunA, M ChAuvET
Management International 17 (Hors Série), 70-84, 2013
CSR & financial performance: Facing methodological and modeling issues commentary paper to the eponymous FRL article collection
MG Bruna, BB Lahouel
Finance Research Letters 44, 102036, 2022
Sustainable development: The impact of political risk, macroeconomic policy uncertainty and ethnic conflict
AI Hunjra, M Azam, MG Bruna, P Verhoeven, MAS Al-Faryan
International Review of Financial Analysis 84, 102370, 2022
Corporate reputation and social sustainability in the early stages of start-ups: A theoretical model to match stakeholders' expectations through corporate social commitment
MG Bruna, D Nicolò
Finance Research Letters 35, 101508, 2020
The effect of board gender diversity on corporate social performance: An instrumental variable quantile regression approach
MG Bruna, R Đặng, A Ammari, LH Houanti
Finance Research Letters 40, 101734, 2021
Dynamique de changement, exercice de la réflexivité et apprentissage managérial dans la conduite d’une démarche transformationnelle de diversité
MG Bruna
La Revue des Sciences de gestion 281282 (5), 121-136, 2016
Diversité dans l'entreprise : d'impératif éthique à levier de créativité
MG Bruna
Management & Avenir, 203-226, 2011
Les nouveaux défis de la diversité: totems à dépasser et paris à relever
MG Bruna, JM Peretti, Z Yanat
RIMHE: Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme & Entreprise 205 (1), 68-88, 2016
Answering Levinas' call in organization studies
MG Bruna, Y Bazin
European Management Review 15 (4), 577-588, 2018
La conduite d’une politique de diversité comme processus de légitimation organisationnelle
MG Bruna, JF Chanlat
Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements …, 2017
Does gender diversity among new venture team matter for R&D intensity in technology-based new ventures? Evidence from a field experiment
M Biga-Diambeidou, MG Bruna, R Dang, LH Houanti
Small business economics 56, 1205-1220, 2021
Justice organisationnelle et politiques de diversité: une esquisse de réflexion managériale sous le prisme lévinassien
MG Bruna, Z Yanat, JP Tchankam
Question (s) de management 22 (3), 83-99, 2018
Des acteurs, des règles et des savoirs: régulation sociale et apprentissage collectif dans une politique diversité
MG Bruna
Management & Avenir 86 (4), 163-192, 2016
Comment apprécier l’impact transformationnel d’une politique de diversité en entreprise? Contribution liminaire à un agenda de recherche
MG Bruna, S Frimousse, L Giraud
Management & Avenir 96 (6), 39-71, 2017
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مقالات 1–20