Scott Shearer
Scott Shearer
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
An overview of current and potential applications of thermal remote sensing in precision agriculture
S Khanal, J Fulton, S Shearer
Computers and electronics in agriculture 139, 22-32, 2017
Remote sensing in agriculture—accomplishments, limitations, and opportunities
S Khanal, K Kc, JP Fulton, S Shearer, E Ozkan
Remote sensing 12 (22), 3783, 2020
Monitoring cattle behavior and pasture use with GPS and GIS
LW Turner, MC Udal, BT Larson, SA Shearer
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 80 (3), 405-413, 2000
Map quality for ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighted interpolation
TG Mueller, NB Pusuluri, KK Mathias, PL Cornelius, RI Barnhisel, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (6), 2042-2047, 2004
Integration of high resolution remotely sensed data and machine learning techniques for spatial prediction of soil properties and corn yield
S Khanal, J Fulton, A Klopfenstein, N Douridas, S Shearer
Computers and electronics in agriculture 153, 213-225, 2018
Plant identification using color co-occurrence matrices
SA Shearer, RG Holmes
Transactions of the ASAE 33 (6), 1237-1244, 1990
A review on the effect of soil compaction and its management for sustainable crop production
MR Shaheb, R Venkatesh, SA Shearer
Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 1-23, 2021
Classification of weed species using color texture features and discriminant analysis
TF Burks, SA Shearer, FA Payne
Transactions of the ASAE 43 (2), 441-448, 2000
Soil electrical conductivity map variability in limestone soils overlain by loess
TG Mueller, NJ Hartsock, TS Stombaugh, SA Shearer, PL Cornelius, ...
Agronomy Journal 95 (3), 496-507, 2003
Color and defect sorting of bell peppers using machine vision
SA Shearer, FA Payne
Transactions of the ASAE 33 (6), 1245-1250, 1990
Backpropagation neural network design and evaluation for classifying weed species using color image texture
TF Burks, SA Shearer, RS Gates, KD Donohue
Transactions of the ASAE 43 (4), 1029-1037, 2000
Performance assessment and model development of a variable–rate, spinner–disc fertilizer applicator
JP Fulton, SA Shearer, G Chabra, SF Higgins
Transactions of the ASAE 44 (5), 1071, 2001
Evaluation of neural-network classifiers for weed species discrimination
TF Burks, SA Shearer, JR Heath, KD Donohue
Biosystems Engineering 91 (3), 293-304, 2005
Potential for pesticide and nutrient savings via map-based automatic boom section control of spray nozzles
JD Luck, SK Pitla, SA Shearer, TG Mueller, CR Dillon, JP Fulton, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 70 (1), 19-26, 2010
Site-specific farming: A perspective on information needs, benefits and limitations
BC Atherton, MT Morgan, SA Shearer, TS Stombaugh, AD Ward
Journal of soil and water conservation 54 (2), 455-461, 1999
Spatial variation of soil physical properties: a precursor to precision tillage
JP Fulton, LG Wells, SA Shearer, RI Barnhisel
ASAE Paper 961002, 1-9, 1996
Soil electrical conductivity variability.
NJ Hartsock, TG Mueller, GW Thomas, RI Barnhisel, KL Wells, ...
Selective application of post-emergence herbicides using photoelectrics
SA Shearer, PT Jones
Transactions of the ASAE 34 (4), 1661-1666, 1991
Whole farm analysis of automatic section control for agricultural machinery
J Shockley, CR Dillon, T Stombaugh, S Shearer
Precision Agriculture 13, 411-420, 2012
Reducing pesticide over-application with map-based automatic boom section control on agricultural sprayers
JD Luck, RS Zandonadi, BD Luck, SA Shearer
Transactions of the ASABE 53 (3), 685-690, 2010
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20