wolf zinke
wolf zinke
Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur e.V.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A high-resolution 7-Tesla fMRI dataset from complex natural stimulation with an audio movie
M Hanke, FJ Baumgartner, P Ibe, FR Kaule, S Pollmann, O Speck, ...
Scientific data 1 (1), 1-18, 2014
Prefrontal Control of Visual Distraction
JD Cosman, KA Lowe, W Zinke, GF Woodman, JD Schall
Current Biology 28 (3), 414–420, 2018
Acetylcholine dynamically controls spatial integration in marmoset primary visual cortex
MJ Roberts, W Zinke, K Guo, R Robertson, JS McDonald, A Thiele
Journal of neurophysiology 93 (4), 2062-2072, 2005
Cholinergic modulation of response properties and orientation tuning of neurons in primary visual cortex of anaesthetized Marmoset monkeys
W Zinke, MJ Roberts, K Guo, JS McDonald, R Robertson, A Thiele
European Journal of Neuroscience 24 (1), 314-328, 2006
The right temporo-parietal junction contributes to visual feature binding
S Pollmann, W Zinke, F Baumgartner, F Geringswald, M Hanke
Neuroimage 101, 289-297, 2014
Speed change detection in foveal and peripheral vision
A Traschütz, W Zinke, D Wegener
Vision research 72, 1-13, 2012
Neural structures involved in visual search guidance by reward-enhanced contextual cueing of the target location
S Pollmann, J Estocinova, S Sommer, L Chelazzi, W Zinke
Neuroimage 124, 887–897, 2016
On the Evolution of the Frontal Eye Field: Comparisons of Monkeys, Apes, and Humans
JD Schall, W Zinke, JD Cosman, MS Schall, M Paré, P Pouget
Evolution of Nervous Systems (Second Edition), 249-275, 2017
Evidence for feature binding in the superior parietal lobule
F Baumgartner, M Hanke, F Geringswald, W Zinke, O Speck, S Pollmann
Neuroimage 68, 173-180, 2013
Hippocampal and neocortical oscillations are tuned to behavioral state in freely-behaving macaques
O Talakoub, P Sayegh, T Womelsdorf, W Zinke, P Fries, CM Lewis, ...
BioRxiv, 552877, 2019
Binocular suppression in the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus reveals early competitive interactions between the eyes
K Dougherty, BM Carlson, MA Cox, JA Westerberg, W Zinke, MC Schmid, ...
eneuro 8 (2), 2021
Frontal eye fields in macaque monkeys: prefrontal and premotor contributions to visually guided saccades
KA Lowe, W Zinke, JD Cosman, JD Schall
Cerebral Cortex 32 (22), 5083-5107, 2022
A high-resolution 7-Tesla fMRI dataset from complex natural stimulation with an audio movie. Sci Data. 2014
M Hanke, FJ Baumgartner, P Ibe, FR Kaule, S Pollmann, O Speck, ...
Binocular suppression in the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus reveals early competitive interactions between the eyes. eNeuro, 8, ENEURO. 0364-20.2020
K Dougherty, BM Carlson, MA Cox, JA Westerberg, W Zinke, MC Schmid, ...
Crossref| PubMed| Web of Science, 2021
A high-resolution 7-Tesla fMRI dataset from complex natural stimulation with an audio movie. Scientific Data, 1, 140003
M Hanke, FJ Baumgartner, P Ibe, FR Kaule, S Pollmann, O Speck, ...
Visuomotor transformations are modulated by focused ultrasound over frontal eye field
KA Lowe, W Zinke, MA Phipps, J Cosman, M Maddox, JD Schall, ...
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 47 (3), 679-692, 2021
5th International Symposium on Focused Ultrasound: North Bethesda, MD, USA. 28 August-1 September 2016
M Zaaroor, A Sinai, D Goldsher, A Eran, M Nassar, I Schlesinger, J Parker, ...
Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound 4, 1-113, 2016
Collaborative work in NFDI
L Amelung, E Bodenschatz, R Danabalan, É Demandt, R Depping, ...
Zenodo, 2023
White Paper: Interim Report Reference
L Amelung, V Anthofer, R Danabalan, É Demandt, B Ebert, E Elschner, ...
zenodo, 2023
White Paper: Umgang mit Zielen der BLV als Grundlage für die Strukturevaluation
L Amelung, E Bodenschatz, R Danabalan, É Demandt, R Depping, ...
Zenodo, 2023
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مقالات 1–20