Mathieu Le Meur
Mathieu Le Meur
post doctoral position, subatech, IMT
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Taxonomic implications of the residual colour patterns of ampullinid gastropods and their contribution to the discrimination from naticids
B Caze, D Merle, M Le Meur, JM Pacaud, D Ledon, JP Saint Martin
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56 (2), 329-347, 2011
Characterization of suspended particulate matter in the Moselle River (Lorraine, France): evolution along the course of the river and in different hydrologic regimes
M Le Meur, E Montargès-Pelletier, A Bauer, R Gley, S Migot, O Barres, ...
Journal of soils and sediments 16, 1625-1642, 2016
Spatial and temporal variations of particulate organic matter from Moselle River and tributaries: a multimolecular investigation
M Le Meur, L Mansuy-Huault, C Lorgeoux, A Bauer, R Gley, D Vantelon, ...
Organic Geochemistry 110, 45-56, 2017
Effect of NAPL mixture and alteration on 222Rn partitioning coefficients: Implications for NAPL subsurface contamination quantification
LM Mathieu, JVC Grégory, L Mélissa, H Patrick, A Olivier
Science of The Total Environment 791, 148210, 2021
What Is the Future of the Lower Mekong Basin Struggling against Human Activities? A Review
VLPNG Mathieu Le Meur
Intechopen, 2021
Organic Matter Oxidation of the Tégulines Clay formation,(Paris Basin, France): Spatial Heterogeneities
M Le Meur, M Boussafir, C Le Milbeau, M Debure, F Claret, JC Robinet, ...
Applied Geochemistry 134, 105093, 2021
PACAUD, J. aM., LEDON, D. & SAINT MARTIN, J. aP.(2011): Taxonomic implications of the residual colour patterns of ampullinid gastropods and their contribution to the …
B Caze, D Merle, M Le Meur
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56 (2), 329-347, 0
Impact of past steel-making activities on lanthanides and Y (REY) fractionation and potential mobility in riverbank sediments
CG Christophe Hissler, Emmanuelle Montarges-Pelletier, Hussein J. Kanbar ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 1056919, 2023
Matières en suspension de la Moselle (Lorraine, France): caractérisation minérale et organique et réactivité vis-à-vis des contaminants métalliques
M Le Meur
Université de Lorraine, 2016
Le LIBD, pour une quantification hautement sensible de nanoparticules en milieux aquatiques
A Piscitelli, M Dia, M Le Meur, PE Peyneau, B Bechet
Spectr'Atom 2024, 2024
Highly sensitive quantification of aquatic nanoparticles by LIBD
A Piscitelli, T Verron, M Le Meur, M Dia, PE Peyneau, GF Montavon, ...
18th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of …, 2023
Solubility evaluation of the coprecipitate uranium and plutonium oxide under hyperalkaline and reducing conditions in the context of deep disposal of ILW radioactive wastes
M Le Meur, T Suzuki-Muresan, S Ribet, C Landesman, T Verron, ...
Natural suspended particulate matter (SPM) versus lab-controlled particles: Comparison of the reactivity and association mode of Zn
F Meur, M. L., Montarges-Pelletier, E., Gley, R., Briois, V., Michot, L ...
Applied Geochemistry 140, 105286, 2022
Molecular geochemistry of Zn in continental rivers
E Montargès-Pelletier, M Le Meur, H Kanbar, C Gauthier, I Bihannic, ...
Goldschmidt, 2019
Organic Characterization of the “Tégulines Clay Formation”, East Paris-Basin, France: Bulk and Molecular Investigations
M Le Meur, M Boussafir, C Le Milbeau, M Debure, F Claret, JC Robinet, ...
29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, 2019
Zinc behavior in river materials through the double spectroscopic and isotopic tools
C Cloquet, M Le Meur, H Kanbar, S Dong, E Montargès-Pelletier
Goldschmidt conference, 2018
Suspended particulate composition: evolution along a river linear and influence of regime flow
M Le Meur, E Montargès-Pelletier, A Bauer, R Gley, S Migot, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11027, 2015
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مقالات 1–17