Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir
Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir
Associate Professor of Tourism Studies, University of Iceland
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Planning nature tourism in Iceland based on tourist attitudes
AD Sæþórsdóttir
Tourism geographies 12 (1), 25-52, 2010
Making wilderness: Tourism and the history of the wilderness idea in Iceland
AD Sæþórsdóttir, CM Hall, J Saarinen
Polar Geography 34 (4), 249-273, 2011
Tourism struggling as the Icelandic wilderness is developed
AD Sæþórsdóttir
Frontiers in Nature-based Tourism, 162-185, 2014
Visitor satisfaction in wilderness in times of overtourism: A longitudinal study
AD Sæþórsdóttir, CM Hall
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29 (1), 123-141, 2020
Managing popularity: Changes in tourist attitudes in a wilderness destination
AD Sæþórsdóttir
Tourism Management Perspectives 7, 47-58, 2013
Tourism, nature and sustainability: A review of policy instruments in the Nordic countries
H Øian, P Fredman, K Sandell, AD Sæþórsdóttir, L Tyrväinen, FS Jensen
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2018
From boiling to frozen? The rise and fall of international tourism to Iceland in the era of overtourism
AD Sæþórsdóttir, CM Hall, M Wendt
Environments 7 (8), 59, 2020
Preserving wilderness at an emerging tourist destination
AD Saporsdottir
J. Mgmt. & Sustainability 4, 65, 2014
Overtourism in Iceland: Fantasy or reality?
AD Sæþórsdóttir, CM Hall, M Wendt
Sustainability 12 (18), 7375, 2020
Denying bogus skepticism in climate change and tourism research
CM Hall, B Amelung, S Cohen, E Eijgelaar, S Gössling, J Higham, ...
Tourism Management 47, 352-356, 2015
Not in my back yard or not on my playground: Residents and tourists' attitudes towards wind turbines in Icelandic landscapes
AD Sæþórsdóttir, R Ólafsdóttir
Energy for Sustainable Development 54, 127-138, 2020
Challenges due to changing ideas of natural resources: tourism and power plant development in the Icelandic wilderness
AD Sæþórsdóttir, J Saarinen
Polar Record 52 (1), 82-91, 2016
Motives and behaviour of second home owners in Iceland reflected by place attachment
M Nouza, R Ólafsdóttir, AD Sæþórsdóttir
Current Issues in Tourism 21 (2), 225-242, 2018
Tourism changing the edge of the wild
Z Cságoly, AD Sæþórsdóttir, R Ólafsdóttir
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 17, 1-8, 2017
Nature tourism assessment in the Icelandic master plan for geothermal and hydropower development. Part I: Rapid evaluation of nature tourism resources
AD Sæþórsdóttir, R Ólafsson
Journal of Heritage Tourism 5 (4), 311-331, 2010
Contested development paths and rural communities: Sustainable energy or sustainable tourism in Iceland?
AD Sæþórsdóttir, CM Hall
Sustainability 11 (13), 3642, 2019
Changing ideas about natural resources: tourists' perspectives on the wilderness and power production in Iceland
AD Sæþórsdóttir, J Saarinen
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 16 (4), 404-421, 2016
When tourists meet transmission lines: The effects of electric transmission lines on tourism in Iceland
Þ Stefánsson, AD Sæþórsdóttir, CM Hall
Energy Research & Social Science 34, 82-92, 2017
Wind farms in the Icelandic highlands: Attitudes of local residents and tourism service providers
R Ólafsdóttir, AD Sæþórsdóttir
Land Use Policy 88, 104173, 2019
Senses by seasons: Tourists’ perceptions depending on seasonality in popular nature destinations in Iceland
AD Sæþórsdóttir, CM Hall, Þ Stefánsson
Sustainability 11 (11), 3059, 2019
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مقالات 1–20