Marisol Perez
Marisol Perez
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Upending racism in psychological science: Strategies to change how science is conducted, reported, reviewed, and disseminated.
NCT Buchanan, M Perez, MJ Prinstein, IB Thurston
American Psychologist 76 (7), 1097, 2021
The role of acculturative stress and body dissatisfaction in predicting bulimic symptomatology across ethnic groups
M Perez, ZR Voelz, JW Pettit, TE Joiner Jr
International Journal of Eating Disorders 31 (4), 442-454, 2002
Evidence-based assessment of depression in adults.
TE Joiner Jr, RL Walker, JW Pettit, M Perez, KC Cukrowicz
Psychological assessment 17 (3), 267, 2005
The impact of racial stereotypes on eating disorder recognition
KH Gordon, M Perez, TE Joiner Jr
International Journal of Eating Disorders 32 (2), 219-224, 2002
Body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating in black and white women
M Perez, TE Joiner Jr
International Journal of Eating Disorders 33 (3), 342-350, 2003
European American therapist self-disclosure in cross-cultural counseling.
AW Burkard, S Knox, M Groen, M Perez, SA Hess
Journal of Counseling Psychology 53 (1), 15, 2006
Exploring the integration of thin-ideal internalization and self-objectification in the prevention of eating disorders
AMK Van Diest, M Perez
Body Image 10 (1), 16-25, 2013
Controlling parental feeding practices and child body composition in ethnically and economically diverse preschool children
SE Wehrly, C Bonilla, M Perez, J Liew
Appetite 73, 163-171, 2014
On fatalism, pessimism, and depressive symptoms among Mexican-American and other adolescents attending an obstetrics-gynecology clinic
TE Joiner Jr, M Perez, KD Wagner, A Berenson, GS Marquina
Behaviour research and therapy 39 (8), 887-896, 2001
Pathways from sociocultural and objectification constructs to body satisfaction among women: The US Body Project I
DA Frederick, TL Tylka, RF Rodgers, JL Pennesi, L Convertino, ...
Body Image 41, 195-208, 2022
Anxiety, depression, and asthma control: changes after standardized treatment
J Sastre, A Crespo, A Fernandez-Sanchez, M Rial, V Plaza, FC González, ...
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice 6 (6), 1953-1959, 2018
The relationship between acculturative stress and eating disorder symptoms: is it unique from general life stress?
AM Kroon Van Diest, M Tartakovsky, C Stachon, JW Pettit, M Perez
Journal of behavioral medicine 37, 445-457, 2014
Measurement of self-regulation in early childhood: Relations between laboratory and performance-based measures of effortful control and executive functioning
B Lin, J Liew, M Perez
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 47, 1-8, 2019
Prevalence and treatment of eating disorders among Hispanics/Latino Americans in the United States
M Perez, TK Ohrt, HW Hoek
Current opinion in psychiatry 29 (6), 378-382, 2016
Can positive emotion influence problem-solving attitudes among suicidal adults?
TE Joiner Jr, JW Pettit, M Perez, AB Burns, T Gencoz, F Gencoz, MD Rudd
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 32 (5), 507, 2001
Suicide and positive cognitions: Positive psychology applied to the understanding and treatment of suicidal behavior.
LR Wingate, AB Burns, KH Gordon, M Perez, RL Walker, FM Williams, ...
American Psychological Association, 2006
Food insecurity is associated with maladaptive eating behaviors and objectively measured overeating
EJ Stinson, SB Votruba, C Venti, M Perez, J Krakoff, ME Gluck
Obesity 26 (12), 1841-1848, 2018
Affective and attributional features of acculturative stress among ethnic minority college students
AL Paukert, JW Pettit, M Perez, RL Walker
The Journal of Psychology 140 (5), 405-419, 2006
Discrepancies between self–and other–esteem as correlates of aggression
M Perez, KD Vohs, TE Joiner
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 24 (5), 607-620, 2005
The relationship between quality of life, binge‐eating disorder, and obesity status in an ethnically diverse sample
M Perez, CS Warren
Obesity 20 (4), 879-885, 2012
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مقالات 1–20