Marcel Frehner
Marcel Frehner
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على erdw.ethz.ch
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Quasi‐static finite element modeling of seismic attenuation and dispersion due to wave‐induced fluid flow in poroelastic media
B Quintal, H Steeb, M Frehner, SM Schmalholz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B1), 2011
Synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy for rock physics investigations
C Madonna, B Quintal, M Frehner, BSG Almqvist, N Tisato, M Pistone, ...
Geophysics 78 (1), D53-D64, 2013
Finite-element simulations of Stoneley guided-wave reflection and scattering at the tips of fluid-filled fractures
M Frehner, SM Schmalholz
Geophysics 75 (2), T23-T36, 2010
Comparison of finite difference and finite element methods for simulating two-dimensional scattering of elastic waves
M Frehner, SM Schmalholz, EH Saenger, H Steeb
Physics of the earth and planetary interiors 171 (1-4), 112-121, 2008
Numerical simulations of parasitic folding in multilayers
M Frehner, SM Schmalholz
Journal of structural geology 28 (9), 1647-1657, 2006
Pore fluid effects on S-wave attenuation caused by wave-induced fluid flow
B Quintal, H Steeb, M Frehner, SM Schmalholz, EH Saenger
Geophysics 77 (3), L13-L23, 2012
Krauklis wave initiation in fluid-filled fractures by seismic body waves
M Frehner
Geophysics 79 (1), T27-T35, 2014
Furrow‐and‐Ridge Morphology on Rockglaciers Explained by Gravity‐Driven Buckle Folding: A Case Study From the Murtèl Rockglacier (Switzerland)
M Frehner, AHM Ling, I Gärtner‐Roer
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 26 (1), 57-66, 2015
The neutral lines in buckle folds
M Frehner
Journal of Structural Geology 33 (10), 1501-1508, 2011
Spectral modification of seismic waves propagating through solids exhibiting a resonance frequency: a 1‐D coupled wave propagation–oscillation model
M Frehner, SM Schmalholz, Y Podladchikov
Geophysical Journal International 176 (2), 589-600, 2009
Hydrocarbon microtremors interpreted as nonlinear oscillations driven by oceanic background waves
R Holzner, P Eschle, S Dangel, M Frehner, C Narayanan, D Lakehal
Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation 14 (1), 160-173, 2009
Mechanical versus kinematical shortening reconstructions of the Zagros High Folded Zone (Kurdistan region of Iraq)
M Frehner, D Reif, B Grasemann
Tectonics 31 (3), TC3002, 2012
Seismic attenuation in partially saturated rocks: Recent advances and future directions
N Tisato, B Quintal, S Chapman, C Madonna, S Subramaniyan, ...
The Leading Edge 33 (6), 640-646, 2014
Phase velocity dispersion and attenuation of seismic waves due to trapped fluids in residual saturated porous media
H Steeb, PS Kurzeja, M Frehner, SM Schmalholz
Vadose Zone Journal 11 (3), vzj2011. 0121, 2012
Integrated numerical and laboratory rock physics applied to seismic characterization of reservoir rocks
B Quintal, M Frehner, C Madonna, N Tisato, M Kuteynikova, EH Saenger
The Leading Edge 30 (12), 1360-1367, 2011
Deciphering the evolution of the Bleis Marscha rock glacier (Val d'Err, eastern Switzerland) with cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating, aerial image correlation, and finite …
D Amschwand, S Ivy-Ochs, M Frehner, O Steinemann, M Christl, ...
The Cryosphere 15 (4), 2057-2081, 2021
Deciphering the evolution of the Bleis Marscha rock glacier (Val d'Err, eastern Switzerland) with cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating, aerial image correlation, and finite …
D Amschwand, S Ivy-Ochs, M Frehner, O Steinemann, M Christl, ...
The Cryosphere 15 (4), 2057-2081, 2021
A novel EBSD‐based finite‐element wave propagation model for investigating seismic anisotropy: Application to Finero Peridotite, Ivrea‐Verbano Zone, Northern Italy
X Zhong, M Frehner, K Kunze, A Zappone
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (20), 7105-7114, 2014
Experimental identification of the transition from elasticity to inelasticity from ultrasonic attenuation analyses
A Barnhoorn, J Verheij, M Frehner, A Zhubayev, M Houben
Geophysics 83 (4), MR221-MR229, 2018
Analysis of transpression within contractional fault steps using finite-element method
ST Nabavi, SA Alavi, S Mohammadi, MR Ghassemi, M Frehner
Journal of Structural Geology 96, 1-20, 2017
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مقالات 1–20