David Ndetei
David Ndetei
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uonbi.ac.ke - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Mental disorders, health inequalities and ethics: A global perspective
EM Ngui, L Khasakhala, D Ndetei, LW Roberts
International review of psychiatry 22 (3), 235-244, 2010
The association between alcohol dependence and depression before and after treatment for alcohol dependence
MW Kuria, DM Ndetei, IS Obot, LI Khasakhala, BM Bagaka, MN Mbugua, ...
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 482802, 2012
The prevalence of mental disorders in adults in different level general medical facilities in Kenya: a cross-sectional study
DM Ndetei, LI Khasakhala, MW Kuria, VN Mutiso, FA Ongecha-Owuor, ...
Annals of general psychiatry 8, 1-8, 2009
Traditional healers and provision of mental health services in cosmopolitan informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya
DM Ndetei
African journal of psychiatry 16 (2), 134-140, 2013
Personality disorder: a new global perspective
P Tyrer, R Mulder, M Crawford, G Newton-Howes, E Simonsen, D Ndetei, ...
World Psychiatry 9 (1), 56, 2010
Why medical students choose psychiatry-a 20 country cross-sectional survey
K Farooq, GJ Lydall, A Malik, DM Ndetei, Isosccip Group, D Bhugra
BMC medical education 14, 1-13, 2014
The prevalence of depressive symptoms among adolescents in Nairobi public secondary schools: association with perceived maladaptive parental behaviour
LI Khasakhala, DM Ndetei, V Mutiso, AW Mbwayo, M Mathai
African journal of psychiatry 15 (2), 106-113, 2012
Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of mental illness among staff in general medical facilities in Kenya: practice and policy implications: original
DM Ndetei, LI Khasakhala, V Mutiso, AW Mbwayo
African journal of psychiatry 14 (3), 225-235, 2011
The prevalence and clinical presentation of psychiatric illness in a rural setting in Kenya
DM Ndetei, J Muhangi
The British Journal of Psychiatry 135 (3), 269-272, 1979
The challenges of human resources in mental health in Kenya
DA Kokonya, LI Khasakhala, M Kuria, V Mutiso, FA Ongecha, DM Ndetei
South African Psychiatry Review 10 (1), 33-36, 2007
Attitudes toward psychiatry: a survey of medical students at the University of Nairobi, Kenya
DM Ndetei, L Khasakhala, F Ongecha-Owuor, M Kuria, V Mutiso, ...
Academic Psychiatry 32, 154-159, 2008
The prevalence of depression among family caregivers of children with intellectual disability in a rural setting in Kenya
MN Mbugua, MW Kuria, DM Ndetei
International journal of family medicine 2011 (1), 534513, 2011
The prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms and syndromes in Kenyan children and adolescents
DM Ndetei, L Khasakhala, L Nyabola, F Ongecha-Owuor, S Seedat, ...
Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health 20 (1), 33-51, 2008
Frequency and clinical significance of delusions across cultures
DM Ndetei, A Vadher
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 70 (1), 73-76, 1984
Bullying in public secondary schools in Nairobi, Kenya
DM Ndetei, FA Ongecha, L Khasakhala, J Syanda, V Mutiso, CJ Othieno, ...
Journal of child and adolescent mental health 19 (1), 45-55, 2007
Hallucinations in Kenyan schizophrenic patients
DM Ndetei, A Singh
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 67 (3), 144-147, 1983
A comparitive cross‐cultural study of the frequencies of hallucination in schizophrenia
DM Ndetei, A Vadher
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 70 (6), 545-549, 1984
Khat use, PTSD and psychotic symptoms among Somali refugees in Nairobi–a pilot study
M Widmann, AH Warsame, J Mikulica, J von Beust, MM Isse, D Ndetei, ...
Frontiers in public health 2, 71, 2014
Clinical epidemiology in patients admitted at Mathari psychiatric hospital, Nairobi, Kenya
DM Ndetei, L Khasakhala, H Maru, M Pizzo, V Mutiso, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 43, 736-742, 2008
Multiple traumas, postelection violence, and posttraumatic stress among impoverished Kenyan youth
VS Harder, VN Mutiso, LI Khasakhala, HM Burke, DM Ndetei
Journal of traumatic stress 25 (1), 64-70, 2012
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20