Saadyah Averick
Saadyah Averick
Allegheny Health Network Neuroscience Institute
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Aqueous arget atrp
A Simakova, SE Averick, D Konkolewicz, K Matyjaszewski
Macromolecules 45 (16), 6371-6379, 2012
ICAR ATRP with ppm Cu Catalyst in Water
D Konkolewicz, AJD Magenau, SE Averick, A Simakova, H He, ...
Macromolecules 45 (11), 4461-4468, 2012
ATRP under biologically relevant conditions: grafting from a protein
S Averick, A Simakova, S Park, D Konkolewicz, AJD Magenau, RA Mehl, ...
ACS Macro Letters 1 (1), 6-10, 2012
Synthesis of monofunctional curcumin derivatives, clicked curcumin dimer, and a PAMAM dendrimer curcumin conjugate for therapeutic applications
W Shi, S Dolai, S Rizk, A Hussain, H Tariq, S Averick, W L'Amoreaux, ...
Organic letters 9 (26), 5461-5464, 2007
Genetically encoded initiator for polymer growth from proteins
JC Peeler, BF Woodman, S Averick, SJ Miyake-Stoner, AL Stokes, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (39), 13575-13577, 2010
Bioinspired iron-based catalyst for atom transfer radical polymerization.
A Simakova, M Mackenzie, SE Averick, S Park, K Matyjaszewski
Angewandte Chemie 125 (46), 2013
Solid‐phase incorporation of an ATRP initiator for polymer–DNA biohybrids
SE Averick, SK Dey, D Grahacharya, K Matyjaszewski, SR Das
Angewandte Chemie 126 (10), 2777-2782, 2014
Preparation of cationic nanogels for nucleic acid delivery
SE Averick, E Paredes, A Irastorza, AR Shrivats, A Srinivasan, ...
Biomacromolecules 13 (11), 3445-3449, 2012
“Clicked” sugar–curcumin conjugate: modulator of amyloid-β and tau peptide aggregation at ultralow concentrations
S Dolai, W Shi, C Corbo, C Sun, S Averick, D Obeysekera, M Farid, ...
ACS chemical neuroscience 2 (12), 694-699, 2011
Bright fluorescent nanotags from bottlebrush polymers with DNA-tipped bristles
MF Fouz, K Mukumoto, S Averick, O Molinar, BM McCartney, ...
ACS Central Science 1 (8), 431-438, 2015
pH-responsive fluorescent molecular bottlebrushes prepared by Atom Transfer Radical polymerization
A Nese, NV Lebedeva, G Sherwood, S Averick, Y Li, H Gao, L Peteanu, ...
Macromolecules 44 (15), 5905-5910, 2011
Star polymers with a cationic core prepared by ATRP for cellular nucleic acids delivery
HY Cho, SE Averick, E Paredes, K Wegner, A Averick, S Jurga, SR Das, ...
Biomacromolecules 14 (5), 1262-1267, 2013
Synthesis of Amphiphilic Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-b-poly(vinyl acetate) Molecular Bottlebrushes
A Nese, Y Li, S Averick, Y Kwak, D Konkolewicz, SS Sheiko, ...
ACS Macro Letters 1 (1), 227-231, 2012
Covalently incorporated protein–nanogels using AGET ATRP in an inverse miniemulsion
SE Averick, AJD Magenau, A Simakova, BF Woodman, A Seong, RA Mehl, ...
Polymer Chemistry 2 (7), 1476-1478, 2011
Well-defined biohybrids using reversible-deactivation radical polymerization procedures
S Averick, RA Mehl, SR Das, K Matyjaszewski
Journal of Controlled Release 205, 45-57, 2015
Skin-targeted delivery of extracellular vesicle-encapsulated curcumin using dissolvable microneedle arrays
SS Yerneni, EP Yalcintas, JD Smith, S Averick, PG Campbell, ...
Acta Biomaterialia 149, 198-212, 2022
Direct DNA conjugation to star polymers for controlled reversible assemblies
S Averick, E Paredes, W Li, K Matyjaszewski, SR Das
Bioconjugate Chemistry 22 (10), 2030-2037, 2011
Biocompatible polymeric analogues of DMSO prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization
S Li, HS Chung, A Simakova, Z Wang, S Park, L Fu, D Cohen-Karni, ...
Biomacromolecules 18 (2), 475-482, 2017
SuFEx postpolymerization modification kinetics and reactivity in polymer brushes
K Durie, J Yatvin, M Kovaliov, GH Crane, J Horn, S Averick, J Locklin
Macromolecules 51 (2), 297-305, 2018
Synthesis of cationic poly ((3-acrylamidopropyl) trimethylammonium chloride) by SARA ATRP in ecofriendly solvent mixtures
PV Mendonça, D Konkolewicz, SE Averick, AC Serra, AV Popov, ...
Polymer Chemistry 5 (19), 5829-5836, 2014
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مقالات 1–20