Geopolymer foams by gelcasting MS Cilla, P Colombo, MR Morelli
Ceramics International 40 (4), 5723-5730, 2014
187 2014 Open cell geopolymer foams by a novel saponification/peroxide/gelcasting combined route MS Cilla, MR Morelli, P Colombo
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 34 (12), 3133-3137, 2014
107 2014 Durability and service life analysis of metakaolin-based geopolymer concretes with respect to chloride penetration using chloride migration test and corrosion potential NSA Júnior, JSA Neto, HA Santana, MS Cilla, DV Ribeiro
Construction and Building Materials 287, 122970, 2021
79 2021 Effect of process parameters on the physical properties of porous geopolymers obtained by gelcasting MS Cilla, MR Morelli, P Colombo
Ceramics International 40 (8), 13585-13590, 2014
70 2014 Geopolymer foams obtained by the saponification/peroxide/gelcasting combined route using different soap foam precursors MS Cilla, MD de Mello Innocentini, MR Morelli, P Colombo
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (8), 3440-3450, 2017
62 2017 Vegetable fibers behavior in geopolymers and alkali-activated cement based matrices: A review HA Santana, NSA Júnior, DV Ribeiro, MS Cilla, CMR Dias
Journal of Building Engineering 44, 103291, 2021
50 2021 Use of asbestos cement tile waste (ACW) as mineralizer in the production of Portland cement with low CO2 emission and lower energy consumption TA Santos, MS Cilla
Journal of Cleaner Production 335, 130061, 2022
37 2022 3D printed mesh reinforced geopolymer: Notched prism bending HA Santana, NSA Júnior, DV Ribeiro, MS Cilla, CMR Dias
Cement and Concrete Composites 116, 103892, 2021
36 2021 Self-compacting geopolymer mixture: Dosing based on statistical mixture design and simultaneous optimization HA Santana, JSA Neto, NSA Júnior, DV Ribeiro, MS Cilla, CMR Dias
Construction and Building Materials 249, 118677, 2020
28 2020 Thermal treatment optimization of asbestos cement waste (ACW) potentializing its use as alternative binder GO Carneiro, TA Santos, G Simonelli, DV Ribeiro, MS Cilla, CMR Dias
Journal of Cleaner Production 320, 128801, 2021
19 2021 Production of fire clay porous structure with no aligned macro porosity from water-based slurry by freeze casting process: A new approach MS Cilla, J de Melo Cartaxo, RR Menezes, LNL Santana, ...
Ceramics International 42 (7), 9278-9282, 2016
18 2016 Influence of the Content of Alkalis ( and ), MgO, and Present in the Granite Rock Fine in the Production of Portland Clinker TA Santos, JSA Neto, MS Cilla, DV Ribeiro
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 34 (3), 04021464, 2022
15 2022 One-part alkali-activated binder produced from inertized asbestos cement waste GO Carneiro, HA Santana, DV Ribeiro, MS Cilla, CMR Dias
Journal of Cleaner Production 367, 132966, 2022
12 2022 Asbestos-cement wastes as supplementary precursors of NaOH-activated binders HA Santana, NSA Júnior, GO Carneiro, DV Ribeiro, MS Cilla, CMR Dias
Construction and Building Materials 364, 129921, 2023
7 2023 Accelerated alkaline attack of 3D printing polymers to assess their durability in geopolymer-based matrices HA Santana, JS Andrade Neto, DV Ribeiro, MS Cilla, CMR Dias
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33 (11), 04021327, 2021
6 2021 Theoretical and experimental strategy for the control and mitigation of efflorescence in metakaolin-based geopolymer HA Santana, NS Amorim Júnior, DV Ribeiro, MS Cilla, CMR Dias
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 35 (7), 04023189, 2023
4 2023 Application of Rietveld refining method for the production of geopolymeric binders JPSG Pires, TA Santos, MS Cilla, DV Ribeiro
Construction and Building Materials 311, 125297, 2021
4 2021 Highly porous geopolymers: effect of the processing route on the reached properties MS Cilla
4 2015 Thermally-treated asbestos-cement wastes as supplementary precursor for geopolymeric binders: CO2 emission and properties HA Santana, AS Ruviaro, DV Ribeiro, MS Cilla, B Walkley, CMR Dias
Waste Management 182, 225-236, 2024
2 2024 Efeito da adição de componentes inorgânicos na resistência mecânica de moldes de areia para fundição MS Cilla, MR Morelli
Cerâmica 58, 71-76, 2012
1 2012