Maned Mhlongo
Maned Mhlongo
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على unisa.ac.za
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Towards a cartography of indigenous knowledge systems in library and information science training and education in Anglophone eastern and southern Africa
P Ngulube, L Dube, M Mhlongo
Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems 14 (2), 145-168, 2015
The ethics of anonymity and confidentiality: Reading from the University of South Africa policy on research ethics
L Dube, M Mhlongo, P Ngulube
Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems 13 (2), 201-214, 2014
Resource provision and access to indigenous knowledge in public libraries in South Africa
M Mhlongo, P Ngulube
Information Development 36 (2), 271-287, 2020
Integration of indigenous knowledge into the services of public libraries in South Africa
MA Mhlongo
PhD diss., University of South Africa. https://uir. unisa. ac. za/handle …, 2018
A framework for the integration of indigenous knowledge into libraries in South Africa
M Mhlongo
IFLA journal 47 (3), 375-385, 2021
Harnessing indigenous knowledge through community involvement in public libraries in South Africa
M Mhlongo
Libri 70 (4), 291-303, 2020
Public Libraries as Conduits for Indigenous Knowledge in South Africa.
M Mhlongo, P Ngulube
Library Philosophy & Practice, 2018
The preparedness of technikon-trained library and information science diplomates for the work situation: an evaluative study
MA Mhlongo
University of Natal, 1998
Exploring the integration of indigenous knowledge into public library services with an inclusive intent using a critical theory lens
M Mhlongo
Handbook of research on connecting research methods for information science …, 2020
RDA in the Ghanaian Academic Library Cataloging Community: Awareness, Competencies, and Implications
EB Yeboah, MA Mhlongo, OB Onyancha
Library Resources & Technical Services 69 (1), 2025
Readiness of Ghanaian University Libraries Towards the Adoption and Implementation of Resource Description and Access (RDA)
EB Yeboah, OB Onyancha, MA Mhlongo
African Journal of Library Archives& Information, 2023
IFLA Journal. October 2021 [Special Issue: indigenous librarianship]
S Stratton, C Callison, U Gosart, S Lilley, M Fullmer, E Civallero, K Komeiji, ...
Sage, 2021
Addressing Epistemicide through the Integration of Indigenous Knowledge: Are South African Public Libraries Ready?
M Mhlongo
Alternation, 2021
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–13