Lauren Clemens
Lauren Clemens
Associate Professor, University at Albany, SUNY
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Deriving verb-initial word order in Mayan
L Clemens, J Coon
Language 94 (2), 237-280, 2018
Prosodic noun incorporation and verb-initial syntax
LE Clemens
Harvard University, 2014
Ergativity and the complexity of extraction: A view from Mayan
LE Clemens, J Coon, P Mateo Pedro, AM Morgan, M Polinsky, G Tandet, ...
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 33, 417-467, 2015
Verb-initial word orders (primarily in Austronesian and Mayan languages)
LE Clemens, M Polinsky
The Blackwell Companion to Syntax. 2nd edition. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2018
Prosodic noun incorporation: The relationship between prosody and argument structure in Niuean
L Clemens
Syntax 22 (4), 337-377, 2019
Resumption in english
M Polinsky, LE Clemens, AM Morgan, M Xiang, D Heestand
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Generalization of French and Portuguese plural alternations and initial syllable protection
M Becker, LE Clemens, A Nevins
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 35 (2), 299-345, 2017
Kaqchikel SVO: V2 in a V1 language
LE Clemens
Studies in Kaqchikel grammar 8, 1-24, 2013
Acoustic correlates of stress in K’ichee’: A preliminary analysis
B Baird
Formal Approaches to Mayan Linguistics (FAMLi) 2, 21-34, 2014
Prosodic constituency of verb-initial clauses in Ch’ol
L Clemens, J Coon
Proceedings of the the 21st Workshop on Structure and Constituency in …, 2016
movement in Tongic Polynesian
L Clemens, R Tollan
Polynesian syntax and its interfaces, 89, 2021
Experimental syntax and island effects
M Polinsky, LE Clemens, AM Morgan, M Xiang, D Heestand, J Sprouse, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Listening to resumptives: An auditory experiment
LE Clemens, A Morgan, M Polinsky, M Xiang
Poster presented at the 25th annual cuny conference on human sentence …, 2012
Syntactic ergativity as a constraint on crossing dependencies: The perspective from Mayan
R Tollan, L Clemens
Linguistic Inquiry 53 (3), 459-499, 2022
The use of prosody as a diagnostic for syntactic structure: The case of verb-initial order
L Clemens
Parameters of predicate fronting, 63-95, 2021
Attachment height and prosodic phrasing in Rutooro
L Clemens, L Bickmore
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 39, 803-842, 2021
The prosody of Niuean pseudo noun incorporation: A recursion-based analysis
L Clemens
Proceedings of the 44th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, 69-82, 2014
Preverbal subjects and preverbal particles
E Pearce, L Clemens, D Massam
Polynesian syntax and its interfaces, 216-252, 2021
Polynesian syntax and its interfaces
L Clemens, D Massam
Oxford University Press, 2021
Prosodic boundary marking in Ch’ol: Acoustic indicators and their applications
C Lesure, LE Clemens
Proceedings of the Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America–VII, 2015
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مقالات 1–20