Sara A. O. Cousins
Sara A. O. Cousins
Dept of Physical Geography, Stockholm University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Land‐use history and fragmentation of traditionally managed grasslands in Scandinavia
O Eriksson, SAO Cousins, HH Bruun
Journal of vegetation science 13 (5), 743-748, 2002
Analysis of land-cover transitions based on 17th and 18th century cadastral maps and aerial photographs
SAO Cousins
Landscape ecology 16, 41-54, 2001
The influence of management history and habitat on plant species richness in a rural hemiboreal landscape, Sweden
SAO Cousins, O Eriksson
Landscape ecology 17, 517-529, 2002
Plant species richness in midfield islets and road verges–the effect of landscape fragmentation
SAO Cousins
Biological conservation 127 (4), 500-509, 2006
Effects of historical and present fragmentation on plant species diversity in semi-natural grasslands in Swedish rural landscapes
SAO Cousins, H Ohlson, O Eriksson
Landscape ecology 22, 723-730, 2007
Seed dispersal by ungulates as an ecological filter: A trait‐based meta‐analysis
A Albert, AG Auffret, E Cosyns, SAO Cousins, B D'hondt, C Eichberg, ...
Oikos 124 (9), 1109-1120, 2015
Regional-scale land-cover change during the 20th century and its consequences for biodiversity
SAO Cousins, AG Auffret, J Lindgren, L Tränk
Ambio 44, 17-27, 2015
Temperature effects on forest herbs assessed by warming and transplant experiments along a latitudinal gradient
P De Frenne, J Brunet, A Shevtsova, A Kolb, BJ Graae, O Chabrerie, ...
Global Change Biology 17 (10), 3240-3253, 2011
Plant species occurrences in a rural hemiboreal landscape: effects of remnant habitats, site history, topography and soil
SAO Cousins, O Eriksson
Ecography 24 (4), 461-469, 2001
Plant functional connectivity–integrating landscape structure and effective dispersal
AG Auffret, Y Rico, JM Bullock, DAP Hooftman, RJ Pakeman, MB Soons, ...
Journal of Ecology 105 (6), 1648-1656, 2017
Dispersal and establishment limitation reduces the potential for successful restoration of semi‐natural grassland communities on former arable fields
M Öster, K Ask, SAO Cousins, O Eriksson
Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (6), 1266-1274, 2009
A landscape perspective on conservation of semi-natural grasslands
R Lindborg, J Bengtsson, Å Berg, SAO Cousins, O Eriksson, T Gustafsson, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 125 (1-4), 213-222, 2008
Extinction debt in fragmented grasslands: paid or not?
SAO Cousins
Journal of Vegetation Science 20 (1), 3-7, 2009
The spatial and temporal components of functional connectivity in fragmented landscapes
AG Auffret, J Plue, SAO Cousins
Ambio 44, 51-59, 2015
Interregional variation in the floristic recovery of post‐agricultural forests
P De Frenne, L Baeten, BJ Graae, J Brunet, M Wulf, A Orczewska, A Kolb, ...
Journal of Ecology 99 (2), 600-609, 2011
Modelling the effects of landscape pattern and grazing regimes on the persistence of plant species with high conservation value in grasslands in south-eastern Sweden
SAO Cousins, S Lavorel, I Davies
Landscape Ecology 18, 315-332, 2003
Size and heterogeneity rather than landscape context determine plant species richness in semi‐natural grasslands
M Öster, SAO Cousins, O Eriksson
Journal of Vegetation science 18 (6), 859-868, 2007
Landscape history and soil properties affect grassland decline and plant species richness in rural landscapes
SAO Cousins
Biological Conservation 142 (11), 2752-2758, 2009
Remnant grassland habitats as source communities for plant diversification in agricultural landscapes
SAO Cousins, R Lindborg
Biological conservation 141 (1), 233-240, 2008
Function of small habitat elements for enhancing plant diversity in different agricultural landscapes
R Lindborg, J Plue, K Andersson, SAO Cousins
Biological Conservation 169, 206-213, 2014
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مقالات 1–20