Abhijeet Ghoshal
Abhijeet Ghoshal
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على illinois.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Dilemma of data sharing alliance: When do competing personalizing and non‐personalizing firms share data
A Ghoshal, S Kumar, V Mookerjee
Production and Operations Management 29 (8), 1918-1936, 2020
Recommendations using information from multiple association rules: A probabilistic approach
A Ghoshal, S Menon, S Sarkar
Information Systems Research 26 (3), 532-551, 2015
The Impact of Business Analytics Strategy on Social, Mobile, and Cloud Computing Adoption.
A Ghoshal, EC Larson, R Subramanyam, MJ Shaw
ICIS, 2014
Impact of recommender system on competition between personalizing and non-personalizing firms
A Ghoshal, S Kumar, V Mookerjee
Journal of Management Information Systems 31 (4), 243-277, 2015
Recommendations and cross-selling: Pricing strategies when personalizing firms cross-sell
A Ghoshal, VS Mookerjee, S Sarkar
Journal of Management Information Systems 38 (2), 430-456, 2021
Association rules for recommendations with multiple items
A Ghoshal, S Sarkar
INFORMS Journal on Computing 26 (3), 433-448, 2014
Hiding sensitive information when sharing distributed transactional data
A Ghoshal, J Hao, S Menon, S Sarkar
Information systems research 31 (2), 473-490, 2020
Modifying transactional databases to hide sensitive association rules
S Menon, A Ghoshal, S Sarkar
Information Systems Research 33 (1), 152-178, 2022
Maximizing online revisiting and purchasing: A clickstream-based approach to enhancing customer lifetime value
W Jabr, A Ghoshal, Y Cheng, P Pavlou
Journal of management information systems 40 (2), 470-502, 2023
Drawing a Line in the Sand
A Ghoshal, A Lahiri, D Dey
MIS Quarterly 41 (4), 1227-1248, 2017
Support forums and software vendor’s pricing strategy
D Dey, A Ghoshal, A Lahiri
Information Systems Research 32 (2), 653-669, 2021
The interdependence of data analytics and operations management
K Dutta, A Ghoshal, S Kumar
The Routledge companion to production and operations management, 291-308, 2017
Predicting Readmission Charges Billed by Hospitals: Machine Learning Approach
D Gopukumar, A Ghoshal, H Zhao
Journal of Medical Informatics Research - Med Inform 10 (8), 2022
Security circumvention: To educate or to enforce?
D Dey, A Ghoshal, A Lahiri
Serving two masters? Optimizing mobile ad contracts with heterogeneous advertisers
A Ghoshal, R Mookerjee, Z Sun
Production and Operations Management 32 (2), 618-636, 2023
Circumventing circumvention: An economic analysis of the role of education and enforcement
D Dey, A Ghoshal, A Lahiri
Management Science 68 (4), 2914-2931, 2022
Maximizing Revisiting and Purchasing: A Clickstream-Based Approach to Enhance Individual-Level Customer Conversion
W Jabr, A Ghoshal, Y Cheng, PA Pavlou
Available at SSRN 3665399, 2020
Locking effects of recommender systems: A competitive analysis
A Ghoshal, S Kumar, VS Mookerjee
24th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems: Value Creation …, 2014
Allocating shared resources optimally for call center operations and knowledge management activities
A Ghoshal, A Gupta, M Subramani
EXPRESS: From stars to dogs–identifying “out-of-favor” products on e-commerce platforms? Data analytic approach to system design
A Ivanov, A Ghoshal, A Kumar
Production and Operations Management, 2024
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مقالات 1–20