Octavio Gutierrez-Frias
Octavio Gutierrez-Frias
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Lyapunov-based controller for the inverted pendulum cart system
CA Ibanez, OG Frias, MS Castanon
Nonlinear Dynamics 40, 367-374, 2005
Controlling the inverted pendulum by means of a nested saturation function
CA Ibanez, OG Frias
Nonlinear Dynamics 53, 273-280, 2008
A heuristic approach for tracking error and energy consumption minimization in solar tracking systems
DA Flores-Hernández, SI Palomino-Resendiz, A Luviano-Juárez, ...
IEEE Access 7, 52755-52768, 2019
Robust State of Charge estimation for Li-ion batteries based on Extended State Observers
MA Sandoval-Chileño, LA Castañeda, A Luviano-Juárez, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 31, 101718, 2020
Design and control of a four-rotary-wing aircraft
Y Lozano, O Gutiérrez
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (11), 4433-4438, 2016
The direct Lyapunov method for the stabilisation of the Furuta pendulum
C Aguilar-Ibañez, MS Suárez-Castañón, OO Gutiérres-Frias
International Journal of Control 83 (11), 2285-2293, 2010
A switching controller for the stabilization of the damping inverted pendulum cart system
CA Ibanez, MS Suarez-Castanon, OO Gutierrez-Frias
Int. J. Innov. Comput. Inf. Control 9 (9), 3585-3597, 2013
A simple model matching for the stabilization of an inverted pendulum cart system
CF Aguilar‐Ibañez, OOG Frias
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2008
Optimal strategy for the improvement of the overall performance of dual-axis solar tracking systems
DA Flores-Hernández, A Luviano-Juárez, N Lozada-Castillo, ...
Energies 14 (22), 7795, 2021
Controlling the strongly damping inertia wheel pendulum via nested saturation functions
C Aguilar Ibánez, OO Gutiérrez Frías, MS Suárez Castañón
Computación y Sistemas 12 (4), 436-449, 2009
Control algorithm for taking off and landing manoeuvres of quadrotors in open navigation environments
Y Lozano Hernández, O Gutiérrez Frías, N Lozada-Castillo, ...
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 17 (9), 2331-2342, 2019
Stabilization of the inverted spherical pendulum via Lyapunov approach
OO Gutiérrez F, C Aguilar Ibéñez, H Sossa A
Asian Journal of Control 11 (6), 587-594, 2009
Control of the Furuta Pendulum by using a Lyapunov function
C Aguilar-Ibanez, OF Gutierrez, H Sossa-Azuela
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 6128-6132, 2006
Flatness-based active disturbance rejection control for a PVTOL aircraft system with an inverted pendular load
CA Villaseñor Rios, A Luviano-Juárez, NB Lozada-Castillo, ...
Machines 10 (7), 595, 2022
PD control for vibration attenuation in a physical pendulum with moving mass
OO Gutiérrez-Frias, JC Martínez-García, RA Garrido Moctezuma
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2009 (1), 179724, 2009
A simple approach to regulate a pvtol system using matching conditions
C Aguilar-Ibanez, MS Suarez-Castanon, J Meda-Campaña, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 98, 511-524, 2020
Adaptive active disturbance rejection control of solar tracking systems with partially known model
SI Palomino-Resendiz, NB Lozada-Castillo, DA Flores-Hernández, ...
Mathematics 9 (22), 2871, 2021
Diseño de controladores para sistemas subactuados tipo péndulo invertido
Tesis Doctoral, Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro de Investigación en …, 2009
Gps data correction based on fuzzy logic for tracking land vehicles
PJ Correa-Caicedo, H Rostro-González, MA Rodriguez-Licea, ...
Mathematics 9 (21), 2818, 2021
Controlled Lagrangian approach to the stabilization of the inverted pendulum system
C Aguilar-Ibañez, OO Gutierrez, H Sossa
Revista mexicana de física 54 (4), 329-335, 2008
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مقالات 1–20