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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effects of extinction context and retrieval cues on alcohol cue reactivity among nonalcoholic drinkers.
BN Collins, TH Brandon
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 70 (2), 390, 2002
Do infants fed directly from the breast have improved appetite regulation and slower growth during early childhood compared with infants fed from a bottle?
KI DiSantis, BN Collins, JO Fisher, A Davey
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 8, 1-11, 2011
Preventing relapse among former smokers: a comparison of minimal interventions through telephone and mail.
TH Brandon, BN Collins, LM Juliano, AB Lazev
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 68 (1), 103, 2000
Smoking cessation, version 1.2016, NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology
PG Shields, RS Herbst, D Arenberg, NL Benowitz, L Bierut, JB Luckart, ...
Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network 14 (11), 1430-1468, 2016
Effect of bupropion on depression symptoms in a smoking cessation clinical trial.
C Lerman, R Niaura, BN Collins, P Wileyto, J Audrain-McGovern, A Pinto, ...
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 18 (4), 362, 2004
Gender differences in smoking cessation in a placebo-controlled trial of bupropion with behavioral counseling
BN Collins, EP Wileyto, F Patterson, M Rukstalis, J Audrain-McGovern, ...
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 6 (1), 27-37, 2004
Training the transdisciplinary scientist: A general framework applied to tobacco use behavior
JM Nash, BN Collins, SE Loughlin, M Solbrig, R Harvey, S Krishnan-Sarin, ...
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 5 (Suppl_1), S41-S53, 2003
Pediatricians’ practices and attitudes about environmental tobacco smoke and parental smoking
BN Collins, KP Levin, T Bryant-Stephens
The Journal of pediatrics 150 (5), 547-552, 2007
Incentive-based intervention to maintain breastfeeding among low-income Puerto Rican mothers
Y Washio, M Humphreys, E Colchado, M Sierra-Ortiz, Z Zhang, BN Collins, ...
Pediatrics 139 (3), 2017
The contribution of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure to pediatric multiple sclerosis risk
AM Lavery, BN Collins, AT Waldman, CN Hart, A Bar-Or, RA Marrie, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 25 (4), 515-522, 2019
Health behavior interests of adolescents with unhealthy diet and exercise: implications for weight management
P Thunfors, BN Collins, AL Hanlon
Health education research 24 (4), 634-645, 2009
Substance-related knowledge, attitude, and behaviour among college students Opportunities for health education
CJ Heckman, JL Dykstra, BN Collins
Health education journal 70 (4), 383-399, 2011
Beliefs and intentions for skin protection and UV exposure in young adults
CJ Heckman, SL Manne, JD Kloss, SB Bass, B Collins, SR Lessin
American journal of health behavior 35 (6), 699-711, 2011
Trends in cannabis and cigarette use among parents with children at home: 2002 to 2015
RD Goodwin, K Cheslack-Postava, S Santoscoy, N Bakoyiannis, ...
Pediatrics 141 (6), 2018
Adolescent environmental tobacco smoke exposure predicts academic achievement test failure
BN Collins, EP Wileyto, MFG Murphy, MR Munafò
Journal of Adolescent Health 41 (4), 363-370, 2007
Association between anxiety and smoking in a sample of urban black men
BN Collins, SJ Lepore
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 11, 29-34, 2009
Kids Safe and Smokefree (KiSS) multilevel intervention to reduce child tobacco smoke exposure: long-term results of a randomized controlled trial
SJ Lepore, BN Collins, DL Coffman, JP Winickoff, US Nair, B Moughan, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (6), 1239, 2018
Associations among breastfeeding, smoking relapse, and prenatal factors in a brief postpartum smoking intervention
KI DiSantis, BN Collins, ACS McCoy
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 89 (4), 582-586, 2010
Reducing underserved children’s exposure to tobacco smoke: a randomized counseling trial with maternal smokers
BN Collins, US Nair, MF Hovell, KI DiSantis, K Jaffe, NM Tolley, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 49 (4), 534-544, 2015
An office-initiated multilevel intervention for tobacco smoke exposure: a randomized trial
BN Collins, SJ Lepore, JP Winickoff, US Nair, B Moughan, ...
Pediatrics 141 (Supplement_1), S75-S86, 2018
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20