George Kallos
George Kallos
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A model for prediction of desert dust cycle in the atmosphere
S Nickovic, G Kallos, A Papadopoulos, O Kakaliagou
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 106 (D16), 18113-18129, 2001
Saharan dust contributions to PM10 and TSP levels in Southern and Eastern Spain
S Rodrıguez, X Querol, A Alastuey, G Kallos, O Kakaliagou
Atmospheric Environment 35 (14), 2433-2447, 2001
Improvements in wind speed forecasts for wind power prediction purposes using Kalman filtering
P Louka, G Galanis, N Siebert, G Kariniotakis, P Katsafados, I Pytharoulis, ...
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 96 (12), 2348-2362, 2008
Photooxidant dynamics in the Mediterranean basin in summer: Results from European research projects
MM Millán, R Salvador, E Mantilla, G Kallos
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D7), 8811-8823, 1997
African dust contributions to mean ambient PM10 mass-levels across the Mediterranean Basin
X Querol, J Pey, M Pandolfi, A Alastuey, M Cusack, N Pérez, T Moreno, ...
Atmospheric Environment 43 (28), 4266-4277, 2009
Online coupled regional meteorology chemistry models in Europe: current status and prospects
A Baklanov, K Schlünzen, P Suppan, J Baldasano, D Brunner, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (1), 317-398, 2014
A review of operational, regional-scale, chemical weather forecasting models in Europe
J Kukkonen, T Olsson, DM Schultz, A Baklanov, T Klein, AI Miranda, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (1), 1-87, 2012
Solar and photovoltaic forecasting through post‐processing of the Global Environmental Multiscale numerical weather prediction model
S Pelland, G Galanis, G Kallos
Progress in photovoltaics: Research and Applications 21 (3), 284-296, 2013
Synoptic and mesoscale weather conditions during air pollution episodes in Athens, Greece
G Kallos, P Kassomenos, RA Pielke
Transport and Diffusion in Turbulent Fields: Modeling and Measurement …, 1993
Long-range transport of anthropogenically and naturally produced particulate matter in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic: Current state of knowledge
G Kallos, M Astitha, P Katsafados, C Spyrou
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 46 (8), 1230-1251, 2007
The impact of crop areas in northeast Colorado on midsummer mesoscale thermal circulations
M Segal, JR Garratt, RA Pielke, WE Schreiber, A Rodi, G Kallos, J Weaver
Monthly Weather Review 117 (4), 809-825, 1989
Applications of Kalman filters based on non-linear functions to numerical weather predictions
G Galanis, P Louka, P Katsafados, I Pytharoulis, G Kallos
Annales geophysicae 24 (10), 2451-2460, 2006
Transatlantic Saharan dust transport: Model simulation and results
G Kallos, A Papadopoulos, P Katsafados, S Nickovic
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D9), 2006
Assessing the European offshore wind and wave energy resource for combined exploitation
C Kalogeri, G Galanis, C Spyrou, D Diamantis, F Baladima, M Koukoula, ...
Renewable energy 101, 244-264, 2017
Climatic feedbacks and desertification: the Mediterranean model
MM Millán, MJ Estrela, MJ Sanz, E Mantilla, M Martín, F Pastor, ...
Journal of Climate 18 (5), 684-701, 2005
On the long‐range transport of air pollutants from Europe to Africa
G Kallos, V Kotroni, K Lagouvardos, A Papadopoulos
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (5), 619-622, 1998
Wind power prediction based on numerical and statistical models
C Stathopoulos, A Kaperoni, G Galanis, G Kallos
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 112, 25-38, 2013
Multi-criteria site selection for offshore renewable energy platforms
L Cradden, C Kalogeri, IM Barrios, G Galanis, D Ingram, G Kallos
Renewable energy 87, 791-806, 2016
Evaluating the performance of regional-scale photochemical modeling systems: Part I—meteorological predictions
C Hogrefe, ST Rao, P Kasibhatla, G Kallos, CJ Tremback, W Hao, ...
Atmospheric environment 35 (24), 4159-4174, 2001
An integrated modeling study on the effects of mineral dust and sea salt particles on clouds and precipitation
S Solomos, G Kallos, J Kushta, M Astitha, C Tremback, A Nenes, Z Levin
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (2), 873-892, 2011
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مقالات 1–20