Assaf Halevy
Assaf Halevy
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Entanglement swapping between photons that have never coexisted
E Megidish, A Halevy, T Shacham, T Dvir, L Dovrat, HS Eisenberg
Physical Review Letters 110 (21), 210403, 2013
Resource Efficient Source of Multiphoton Polarization Entanglement
E Megidish, T Shacham, A Halevy, L Dovrat, HS Eisenberg
Physical Review Letters 109 (8), 080504, 2012
Compact 2D nonlinear photonic crystal source of beamlike path entangled photons
E Megidish, A Halevy, HS Eisenberg, A Ganany-Padowicz, N Habshoosh, ...
Optics Express 21 (6), 6689-6696, 2013
The biaxial nonlinear crystal BiB< sub> 3</sub> O< sub> 6</sub> as a polarization entangled photon source using non-collinear type-II parametric down-conversion
A Halevy, E Megidish, L Dovrat, HS Eisenberg, P Becker, L Bohatý
Optics Express 19 (21), 20420-20434, 2011
Projection of Two Biphoton Qutrits onto a Maximally Entangled State
A Halevy, E Megidish, T Shacham, L Dovrat, HS Eisenberg
Physical Review Letters 106 (13), 130502, 2011
Direct observation of the degree of correlations using photon-number-resolving detectors
L Dovrat, M Bakstein, D Istrati, E Megidish, A Halevy, L Cohen, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 053813, 2013
Entanglement dynamics in the presence of controlled unital noise
A Shaham, A Halevy, L Dovrat, E Megidish, HS Eisenberg
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10796, 2015
Quantum tomography of inductively created multiphoton states
E Megidish, A Halevy, T Shacham, T Dvir, HS Eisenberg
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, QF2B. 6, 2013
Nonlocal Quantum State Tomography of Entangled Photons
Y Pilnyak, E Megidish, A Halevy, A Shaham, HS Eisenberg
Quantum Information and Measurement, QTu2A. 4, 2014
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مقالات 1–9