Georgios Balasis
Georgios Balasis
Research Director in Space Physics, National Observatory of Athens
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Magnetic signatures of equatorial spread F as observed by the CHAMP satellite
C Stolle, H Lühr, M Rother, G Balasis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111 (A2), 2006
Fifth‐generation lithospheric magnetic field model from CHAMP satellite measurements
S Maus, H Lühr, M Rother, K Hemant, G Balasis, P Ritter, C Stolle
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8 (5), 2007
Potential earthquake precursory pattern from space: The 2015 Nepal event as seen by magnetic Swarm satellites
A De Santis, G Balasis, FJ Pavón-Carrasco, G Cianchini, M Mandea
Earth and planetary science letters 461, 119-126, 2017
From pre-storm activity to magnetic storms: a transition described in terms of fractal dynamics
G Balasis, IA Daglis, P Kapiris, M Mandea, D Vassiliadis, K Eftaxias
Annales Geophysicae 24 (12), 3557-3567, 2006
Investigating dynamical complexity in the magnetosphere using various entropy measures
G Balasis, IA Daglis, C Papadimitriou, M Kalimeri, A Anastasiadis, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114 (A9), 2009
Unfolding the procedure of characterizing recorded ultra low frequency, kHZ and MHz electromagnetic anomalies prior to the L'Aquila earthquake as pre-seismic ones-Part 2
K Eftaxias, G Balasis, Y Contoyiannis, C Papadimitriou, M Kalimeri, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (2), 275-294, 2010
Dynamical complexity detection in pre-seismic emissions using nonadditive Tsallis entropy
M Kalimeri, C Papadimitriou, G Balasis, K Eftaxias
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (5-6), 1161-1172, 2008
Statistical mechanics and information-theoretic perspectives on complexity in the earth system
G Balasis, RV Donner, SM Potirakis, J Runge, C Papadimitriou, IA Daglis, ...
Entropy 15 (11), 4844-4888, 2013
Dynamical complexity in Dst time series using non‐extensive Tsallis entropy
G Balasis, IA Daglis, C Papadimitriou, M Kalimeri, A Anastasiadis, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (14), 2008
Geospace perturbations induced by the Earth: The state of the art and future trends
A De Santis, G De Franceschi, L Spogli, L Perrone, L Alfonsi, E Qamili, ...
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/b/c 85, 17-33, 2015
Can electromagnetic disturbances related to the recent great earthquakes be detected by satellite magnetometers?
G Balasis, M Mandea
Tectonophysics 431 (1-4), 173-195, 2007
The major geoeffective solar eruptions of 2012 March 7: comprehensive Sun-to-Earth analysis
S Patsourakos, MK Georgoulis, A Vourlidas, A Nindos, T Sarris, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 817 (1), 14, 2016
Introducing pomme, the potsdam magnetic model of the earth
S Maus, H Lühr, G Balasis, M Rother, M Mandea
Earth observation with CHAMP: Results from three years in orbit, 293-298, 2005
Scaling similarities of multiple fracturing of solid materials
PG Kapiris, GT Balasis, JA Kopanas, GN Antonopoulos, AS Peratzakis, ...
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 11 (1), 137-151, 2004
Evolving towards a critical point: A possible electromagnetic way in which the critical regime is reached as the rupture approaches
PG Kapiris, KA Eftaxias, KD Nomikos, J Polygiannakis, E Dologlou, ...
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 10 (6), 511-524, 2003
Pre-seismic irregularities during the 2020 Samos (Greece) earthquake (M= 6.9) as investigated from multi-parameter approach by ground and space-based techniques
S Sasmal, S Chowdhury, S Kundu, DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, G Balasis, ...
Atmosphere 12 (8), 1059, 2021
Evidence of fractional-Brownian-motion-type asperity model for earthquake generation in candidate pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions
K Eftaxias, Y Contoyiannis, G Balasis, K Karamanos, J Kopanas, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 8 (4), 657-669, 2008
Universality in solar flare, magnetic storm and earthquake dynamics using Tsallis statistical mechanics
G Balasis, IA Daglis, A Anastasiadis, C Papadimitriou, M Mandea, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (2), 341-346, 2011
Diagnosing the role of Alfvén waves in magnetosphere‐ionosphere coupling: Swarm observations of large amplitude nonstationary magnetic perturbations during an interval of …
IP Pakhotin, IR Mann, RL Lysak, DJ Knudsen, JW Gjerloev, IJ Rae, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (1), 326-340, 2018
Recent seismic activity at Cephalonia (Greece): a study through candidate electromagnetic precursors in terms of non-linear dynamics
SM Potirakis, Y Contoyiannis, NS Melis, J Kopanas, G Antonopoulos, ...
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 23 (4), 223-240, 2016
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20