Kumar Rakesh Ranjan
Kumar Rakesh Ranjan
Professor of Marketing, EDHEC Business School
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Value co-creation: concept and measurement
KR Ranjan, S Read
Journal of the academy of marketing science 44, 290-315, 2016
Co-creating the tourism experience
P Sugathan, KR Ranjan
Journal of Business Research 100, 207-217, 2019
Drivers of user engagement in eWoM communication
A Rossmann, KR Ranjan, P Sugathan
Journal of services marketing 30 (5), 541-553, 2016
Atypical Shifts Post-Failure: Influence of Co-creation on Attribution and Future Motivation to Co-create
P Sugathan, KR Ranjan, AG Mulky
Journal of Interactive Marketing 38 (May), 64–81, 2017
Coronavirus crisis and health care: learning from a service ecosystem perspective
RJ Brodie, KR Ranjan, M Verreynne, Y Jiang, J Previte
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 31 (2), 225-246, 2021
A narrative review and meta-analysis of service interaction quality: new research directions and implications
KR Ranjan, P Sugathan, A Rossmann
Journal of Services Marketing 29 (1), 3-14, 2015
Bringing the individual into the co-creation of value
KR Ranjan, S Read
Journal of Services Marketing 33 (7), 904-920, 2019
An ecosystem perspective synthesis of co-creation research
KR Ranjan, S Read
Industrial Marketing Management 99, 79-96, 2021
Toward a conceptualization of perceived complaint handling quality in social media and traditional service channels
P Sugathan, A Rossmann, KR Ranjan
European Journal of Marketing 52 (5/6), 973-1006, 2018
An examination of the emotions that follow a failure of co-creation
P Sugathan, KR Ranjan, AG Mulky
Journal of Business Research 78, 43-52, 2017
Effect of service-related resources on employee and customer outcomes in trade shows
S Jha, MS Balaji, KR Ranjan, A Sharma
Industrial Marketing Management 76, 48-59, 2019
An effectual–causal view of managerial decisions in the internationalization of Indian MNEs
R Dash, KR Ranjan
Journal of International Management 25 (1), 101-120, 2019
An integrative framework of sales ecosystem well-being
KR Ranjan, SB Friend
Journal of personal selling & sales management 40 (4), 234-250, 2020
Fail fast, sell well: The contingent impact of failing fast on salesperson performance
SB Friend, KR Ranjan, JS Johnson
Industrial Marketing Management 82, 265-275, 2019
An antecedent and contingent outcome model of fail fast strategy in sales force management
SB Friend, JS Johnson, KR Ranjan
Industrial Marketing Management 87, 106-116, 2020
When co-production fails: The role of customer’s internal attributions and impression management concerns
P Sugathan, KR Ranjan
Journal of Business Research 121, 535-548, 2020
The six faces of value co-creation: A field guide for executives
KR Ranjan, S Read
Rutgers Business Review 2 (1), 2017
Dropout management in online learning systems
R Dash, KR Ranjan, A Rossmann
Behaviour & Information Technology 41 (9), 1973-1987, 2022
Thinking, feeling and coping by BoP healthcare consumers: policy-based intervention in an emerging market
KR Ranjan, S Rohit, R Dash, R Singh
Journal of Marketing Management 37 (9-10), 914-961, 2021
Corporate giving and its impact on consumer evaluations: A meta-analysis
S Saha, KR Ranjan, R Pappu, S Akhlaghpour
Journal of Business Research 158, 113656, 2023
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مقالات 1–20