Stuart Parsons
Stuart Parsons
Professor and Dean; Science, Technology and Engineering; University of the Sunshine Coast
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Ecological and Behavioral Methods for the Study of Bats
T Kunz, S Parsons
The Johns Hopkins University Press 2, 901, 2009
Ecological and behavioral methods for the study of bats
TH Kunz
Washington Smithsonian Institution, 1988
Acoustic identification of twelve species of echolocating bat by discriminant function analysis and artificial neural networks
S Parsons, G Jones
Journal of experimental biology 203 (17), 2641-2656, 2000
A continental‐scale tool for acoustic identification of E uropean bats
CL Walters, R Freeman, A Collen, C Dietz, M Brock Fenton, G Jones, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (5), 1064-1074, 2012
Bat detective—Deep learning tools for bat acoustic signal detection
O Mac Aodha, R Gibb, KE Barlow, E Browning, M Firman, R Freeman, ...
PLoS computational biology 14 (3), e1005995, 2018
Detecting, recording and analysing the vocalisations of bats
S Parsons, J Szewczak
Ecological and behavioral methods for the study of bats, 2nd edition, 91-111, 2009
Kiwi forego vision in the guidance of their nocturnal activities
GR Martin, KJ Wilson, JM Wild, S Parsons, MF Kubke, J Corfield
Plos one 2 (2), e198, 2007
Advantages and disadvantages of techniques for transforming and analyzing chiropteran echolocation calls
S Parsons, AM Boonman, MK Obrist
Journal of Mammalogy 81 (4), 927-938, 2000
Echolocation call intensity in the aerial hawking bat Eptesicus bottae (Vespertilionidae) studied using stereo videogrammetry
MW Holderied, C Korine, MB Fenton, S Parsons, S Robson, G Jones
Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (7), 1321-1327, 2005
Echolocation calls and wing morphology of bats from the West Indies
NV Jennings, S Parsons, KE Barlow, MR Gannon
Acta Chiropterologica 6 (1), 75-90, 2004
Genetic divergence and echolocation call frequency in cryptic species of Hipposideros larvatus s.l. (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) from the Indo-Malayan region
A Thabah, SJ Rossiter, T Kingston, S Zhang, S Parsons, KM Mya, Z Akbar, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 88 (1), 119-130, 2006
Bats respond to polarity of a magnetic field
Y Wang, Y Pan, S Parsons, M Walker, S Zhang
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1627), 2901-2905, 2007
Indicator bats program: a system for the global acoustic monitoring of bats
KE Jones, JA Russ, AT Bashta, Z Bilhari, C Catto, I Csősz, A Gorbachev, ...
Biodiversity monitoring and conservation: bridging the gap between global …, 2013
Classification of echolocation calls from 14 species of bat by support vector machines and ensembles of neural networks
RD Redgwell, JM Szewczak, G Jones, S Parsons
Algorithms 2 (3), 907-924, 2009
Acoustic identification of bats from directly sampled and time expanded recordings of vocalizations
G Jones, N Vaughan, S Parsons
Acta chiropterologica 2 (2), 155-170, 2000
Terrestrial locomotion of the New Zealand short-tailed bat Mystacina tuberculata and the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus
DK Riskin, S Parsons, WA Schutt Jr, GG Carter, JW Hermanson
Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (9), 1725-1736, 2006
Bat Echolocation Research: tools, techniques and analysis
RM Brigham, EKV Kalko, G Jones, S Parsons, HJGA Limpens
Bat Conservation International 1, 167, 2002
Human vs. machine: identification of bat species from their echolocation calls by humans and by artificial neural networks
N Jennings, S Parsons, MJO Pocock
Canadian Journal of Zoology 86 (5), 371-377, 2008
Phylogenetics of small horseshoe bats from East Asia based on mitochondrial DNA sequence variation
G Li, G Jones, SJ Rossiter, SF Chen, S Parsons, S Zhang
Journal of Mammalogy 87 (6), 1234-1240, 2006
The anatomy of the bill tip of kiwi and associated somatosensory regions of the brain: comparisons with shorebirds
SJ Cunningham, JR Corfield, AN Iwaniuk, I Castro, MR Alley, TR Birkhead, ...
PLoS one 8 (11), e80036, 2013
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مقالات 1–20