Bo Stenberg
Bo Stenberg
Associate professor, Soil Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Visible and near infrared spectroscopy in soil science
B Stenberg, RAV Rossel, AM Mouazen, J Wetterlind
Advances in agronomy 107, 163-215, 2010
A global spectral library to characterize the world's soil
RAV Rossel, T Behrens, E Ben-Dor, DJ Brown, JAM Demattê, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 155, 198-230, 2016
Soil spectroscopy: an alternative to wet chemistry for soil monitoring
M Nocita, A Stevens, B van Wesemael, M Aitkenhead, M Bachmann, ...
Advances in agronomy 132, 139-159, 2015
Monitoring soil quality of arable land: microbiological indicators
B Stenberg
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-plant Soil Science 49 (1), 1-24, 1999
Influence of biochemical quality on C and N mineralisation from a broad variety of plant materials in soil
LS Jensen, T Salo, F Palmason, TA Breland, TM Henriksen, B Stenberg, ...
Plant and Soil 273, 307-326, 2005
Microbial biomass and activities in soil as affected by frozen and cold storage
B Stenberg, M Johansson, M Pell, K Sjödahl-Svensson, J Stenström, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30 (3), 393-402, 1998
Effects of soil sample pretreatments and standardised rewetting as interacted with sand classes on Vis-NIR predictions of clay and soil organic carbon
B Stenberg
Geoderma 158 (1-2), 15-22, 2010
Near‐infrared spectroscopy for within‐field soil characterization: small local calibrations compared with national libraries spiked with local samples
J Wetterlind, B Stenberg
European Journal of Soil Science 61 (6), 823-843, 2010
Potential denitrification and nitrification tests for evaluation of pesticide effects in soil
M Pell, B Stenberg, L Torstensson
Ambio, 24-28, 1998
Improving the prediction performance of a large tropical vis‐NIR spectroscopic soil library from B razil by clustering into smaller subsets or use of data mining calibration …
SR Araújo, J Wetterlind, JAM Demattê, B Stenberg
European Journal of Soil Science 65 (5), 718-729, 2014
Potential denitrification activity assay in soil—with or without chloramphenicol?
M Pell, B Stenberg, J Stenström, L Torstensson
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28 (3), 393-398, 1996
Increased sample point density in farm soil mapping by local calibration of visible and near infrared prediction models
J Wetterlind, B Stenberg, M Söderström
Geoderma 156 (3-4), 152-160, 2010
Microbiological and chemical changes in two arable soils after long-term sludge amendments
M Johansson, B Stenberg, L Torstensson
Biology and Fertility of Soils 30, 160-167, 1999
The use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to improve soil mapping at the farm scale
J Wetterlind, B Stenberg, M Söderström
Precision agriculture 9, 57-69, 2008
Anaerobic digestion of alfalfa silage with recirculation of process liquid
Å Nordberg, Å Jarvis, B Stenberg, B Mathisen, BH Svensson
Bioresource technology 98 (1), 104-111, 2007
Do we really need large spectral libraries for local scale SOC assessment with NIR spectroscopy?
C Guerrero, J Wetterlind, B Stenberg, AM Mouazen, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 155, 501-509, 2016
Assessment of soil organic carbon at local scale with spiked NIR calibrations: effects of selection and extra‐weighting on the spiking subset
C Guerrero, B Stenberg, J Wetterlind, RA Viscarra Rossel, FT Maestre, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 65 (2), 248-263, 2014
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for high-resolution soil sensing
B Stenberg, RAV Rossel
Proximal soil sensing, 29-47, 2010
Kinetics of substrate-induced respiration (SIR): theory
J Stenström, B Stenberg, M Johansson
Ambio, 35-39, 1998
Prediction of gross and net nitrogen mineralization‐immobilization‐turnover from respiration
J Luxhøi, S Bruun, B Stenberg, TA Breland, LS Jensen
Soil Science Society of America Journal 70 (4), 1121-1128, 2006
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مقالات 1–20