Benjamin Karney
Benjamin Karney
Professor of Social Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The longitudinal course of marital quality and stability: A review of theory, methods, and research.
BR Karney, TN Bradbury
Psychological bulletin 118 (1), 3, 1995
Online dating: A critical analysis from the perspective of psychological science
EJ Finkel, PW Eastwick, BR Karney, HT Reis, S Sprecher
Psychological Science in the Public interest 13 (1), 3-66, 2012
Neuroticism, marital interaction, and the trajectory of marital satisfaction.
BR Karney, TN Bradbury
Journal of personality and social psychology 72 (5), 1075, 1997
How does context affect intimate relationships? Linking external stress and cognitive processes within marriage
LA Neff, BR Karney
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30 (2), 134-148, 2004
Attachment change processes in the early years of marriage.
J Davila, BR Karney, TN Bradbury
Journal of personality and social psychology 76 (5), 783, 1999
Depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction: within-subject associations and the moderating effects of gender and neuroticism.
J Davila, BR Karney, TW Hall, TN Bradbury
Journal of Family Psychology 17 (4), 557, 2003
Problem-solving skills and affective expressions as predictors of change in marital satisfaction.
MD Johnson, CL Cohan, J Davila, E Lawrence, RD Rogge, BR Karney, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 73 (1), 15, 2005
Gender differences in social support: A question of skill or responsiveness?
LA Neff, BR Karney
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (1), 79, 2005
Disparate prevalence estimates of PTSD among service members who served in Iraq and Afghanistan: possible explanations
R Ramchand, TL Schell, BR Karney, KC Osilla, RM Burns, LB Caldarone
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2010
Does couples' communication predict marital satisfaction, or does marital satisfaction predict communication?
JA Lavner, BR Karney, TN Bradbury
Journal of Marriage and Family 78 (3), 680-694, 2016
Understanding and altering the longitudinal course of marriage
TN Bradbury, BR Karney
Journal of Marriage and Family 66 (4), 862-879, 2004
Families under stress: An assessment of data, theory, and reseach on marriage and divorce in the military
BR Karney, JS Crown
Rand Corporation, 2007
To know you is to love you: the implications of global adoration and specific accuracy for marital relationships.
LA Neff, BR Karney
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (3), 480, 2005
The role of negative affectivity in the association between attributions and marital satisfaction.
BR Karney, TN Bradbury, FD Fincham, KT Sullivan
Journal of personality and social psychology 66 (2), 413, 1994
Research on marital satisfaction and stability in the 2010s: Challenging conventional wisdom
BR Karney, TN Bradbury
Journal of marriage and family 82 (1), 100-116, 2020
Attributions in marriage: State or trait? A growth curve analysis.
BR Karney, TN Bradbury
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78 (2), 295, 2000
Stress and reactivity to daily relationship experiences: How stress hinders adaptive processes in marriage.
LA Neff, BR Karney
Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (3), 435, 2009
Marriages in context: Interactions between chronic and acute stress among newlyweds.
BR Karney, LB Story, TN Bradbury
American Psychological Association, 2005
Positive expectations in the early years of marriage: Should couples expect the best or brace for the worst?
JK McNulty, BR Karney
Journal of personality and social psychology 86 (5), 729, 2004
Contextual influences on marriage: Implications for policy and intervention
BR Karney, TN Bradbury
Current directions in psychological science 14 (4), 171-174, 2005
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مقالات 1–20