Value and capital: An inquiry into some fundamental principles of economic theory JR Hicks OUP Catalogue, 1975 | 13766 | 1975 |
The theory of wages J Hicks Springer, 1963 | 7752 | 1963 |
Mr. Keynes and the" classics"; a suggested interpretation JR Hicks Econometrica: journal of the Econometric Society, 147-159, 1937 | 4325 | 1937 |
A theory of economic history JR Hicks | 3223 | 1969 |
The foundations of welfare economics JR Hicks The economic journal 49 (196), 696-712, 1939 | 2688 | 1939 |
A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle. JR Hicks OXFORD, ING.: CLARENDON PRESS, 1950 | 2339 | 1950 |
Capital and growth JR Hicks (No Title), 1965 | 2092 | 1965 |
The crisis in Keynesian economics JR Hicks (No Title), 1974 | 1457 | 1974 |
Annual survey of economic theory: the theory of monopoly JR Hicks Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1-20, 1935 | 1418 | 1935 |
A suggestion for simplifying the theory of money JR Hicks General Equilibrium Models of Monetary Economies, 7-23, 1989 | 1278 | 1989 |
A Reconsideration of the Theory of Value JR Hicks, RGD Allen The Foundations of Price Theory Vol 4, 33-82, 2024 | 1219 | 2024 |
A revision of demand theory JR Hicks OUP Catalogue, 1986 | 1214 | 1986 |
Critical essays in monetary theory J Hicks | 1184 | 1967 |
Capital and time: a neo-Austrian theory JR Hicks Clarendon Press, 1987 | 1163 | 1987 |
Causality in economics J Hicks Australian National University Press, 1980 | 1078 | 1980 |
The valuation of the social income JR Hicks Economica 7 (26), 105-124, 1940 | 1000 | 1940 |
The four consumer's surpluses JR Hicks The review of economic studies 11 (1), 31-41, 1943 | 739 | 1943 |
A market theory of money J Hicks OUP Oxford, 1989 | 644 | 1989 |
The rehabilitation of consumers' surplus JR Hicks The Review of Economic Studies 8 (2), 108-116, 1941 | 605 | 1941 |
IS-LM: An Explanation J Hicks Journal of post keynesian economics 3 (2), 139-154, 1980 | 593 | 1980 |