Johan Månsson
Johan Månsson
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Quantitative estimates of tree species selectivity by moose (Alces alces) in a forest landscape
J Månsson, C Kalén, P Kjellander, H Andrén, H Smith
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 22 (5), 407-414, 2007
Evaluation of four methods used to estimate population density of moose Alces alces
L Rönnegård, H Sand, H Andrén, J Månsson, Å Pehrson
Wildlife Biology 14 (3), 358-371, 2008
Moose browsing and forage availability: a scale-dependent relationship?
J Månsson, H Andren, Å Pehrson, R Bergström
Canadian Journal of Zoology 85 (3), 372-380, 2007
Games as tools to address conservation conflicts
SM Redpath, A Keane, H Andrén, Z Baynham-Herd, N Bunnefeld, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 33 (6), 415-426, 2018
Can supplementary feeding be used to redistribute moose Alces alces?
J Sahlsten, N Bunnefeld, J Månsson, G Ericsson, R Bergström, H Dettki
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 85-92, 2010
Can pellet counts be used to accurately describe winter habitat selection by moose Alces alces?
J Månsson, H Andrén, H Sand
European Journal of Wildlife Research 57, 1017-1023, 2011
Environmental variation and moose Alces alces density as determinants of spatio‐temporal heterogeneity in browsing
J Månsson
Ecography 32 (4), 601-612, 2009
Wolves, people, and brown bears influence the expansion of the recolonizing wolf population in Scandinavia
A Ordiz, C Milleret, J Kindberg, J Månsson, P Wabakken, JE Swenson, ...
Ecosphere 6 (12), 1-14, 2015
Scaling up movements: from individual space use to population patterns
AM Allen, J Månsson, H Sand, J Malmsten, G Ericsson, NJ Singh
Ecosphere 7 (10), e01524, 2016
Estimating wolf (Canis lupus) population size from number of packs and an individual based model
G Chapron, C Wikenros, O Liberg, P Wabakken, Ø Flagstad, C Milleret, ...
Ecological Modelling 339, 33-44, 2016
Large grazing birds and agriculture—predicting field use of common cranes and implications for crop damage prevention
L Nilsson, N Bunnefeld, J Persson, J Månsson
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 219, 163-170, 2016
Relating national levels of crop damage to the abundance of large grazing birds: implications for management
T Montràs‐Janer, J Knape, L Nilsson, I Tombre, T Pärt, J Månsson
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (10), 2286-2297, 2019
Bark-stripping on Norway spruce by red deer in Sweden: level of damage and relation to tree characteristics
J Månsson, A Jarnemo
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 28 (2), 117-125, 2013
Testing the risk of predation hypothesis: the influence of recolonizing wolves on habitat use by moose
KL Nicholson, C Milleret, J Månsson, H Sand
Oecologia 176, 69-80, 2014
Managing landscapes for multiple objectives: alternative forage can reduce the conflict between deer and forestry
A Jarnemo, J Minderman, N Bunnefeld, J Zidar, J Månsson
Ecosphere 5 (8), 1-14, 2014
The impacts of landscape structure on the winter movements and habitat selection of female red deer
AM Allen, J Månsson, A Jarnemo, N Bunnefeld
European Journal of Wildlife Research 60, 411-421, 2014
Habitat segregation between brown bears and gray wolves in a human‐dominated landscape
C Milleret, A Ordiz, G Chapron, HP Andreassen, J Kindberg, J Månsson, ...
Ecology and Evolution 8 (23), 11450-11466, 2018
A working model for preventing crop damage caused by increasing goose populations in Sweden
M Hake, J Månsson, A Wiberg
Ornis Svecica 20 (3-4), 225-233, 2010
Using fine-scale movement patterns to infer ungulate parturition
KL Nicholson, MJ Warren, C Rostan, J Månsson, TF Paragi, H Sand
Ecological indicators 101, 22-30, 2019
Lethal scaring–Behavioral and short-term numerical response of greylag goose Anser anser
J Månsson
Crop Protection 96, 258-264, 2017
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مقالات 1–20