Arantza Aldea
Arantza Aldea
Senior Lecturer in Computing Oxford Brookes University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Propuesta de un nuevo estándar de evaluación nutricional en embarazadas
E Atalah Samur, C Castillo L, R Castro Santoro, A Aldea P
Rev. Med. Chile, 1429-36, 1997
Emotions in human and artificial intelligence
J Martınez-Miranda, A Aldea
Computers in human behavior 21 (2), 323-341, 2005
Proposal of a new standard for the nutritional assessment of pregnant women
E Atalah, C Castillo, R Castro, A Aldea
Revista medica de Chile 125 (12), 1429-1436, 1997
A multi-agent system for organ transplant co-ordination
A Aldea, B López, A Moreno, D Riaño, A Valls
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe, 413-416, 2001
The scope of application of multi-agent systems in the process industry: three case studies
A Aldea, R Bañares-Alcántara, L Jiménez, A Moreno, J Martı́nez, D Riaño
Expert Systems with Applications 26 (1), 39-47, 2004
An Ontology-Based Knowledge Management Platform.
A Aldea, R Bañares-Alcántara, J Bocio, J Gramajo, D Isern, AC Kokossis, ...
IIWeb, 177-182, 2003
Temporal case-based reasoning for type 1 diabetes mellitus bolus insulin decision support
D Brown, A Aldea, R Harrison, C Martin, I Bayley
Artificial intelligence in medicine 85, 28-42, 2018
The use of fault-recorder data for diagnosing timing and other related faults in electricity transmission networks
M Chantler, P Pogliano, A Aldea, G Tornielli, T Wyatt, A Jolley
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 15 (4), 1388-1393, 2000
Quality model and metrics of ontology for semantic descriptions of web services
H Zhu, D Liu, I Bayley, A Aldea, Y Yang, Y Chen
Tsinghua science and technology 22 (3), 254-272, 2017
Generation of process alternatives using abstract models and case-based reasoning
I López-Arévalo, R Bañares-Alcántara, A Aldea, A Rodríguez-Martínez, ...
Computers & chemical engineering 31 (8), 902-918, 2007
Extracting meaningful entities from regulatory text: Towards automating regulatory compliance
K Sapkota, A Aldea, M Younas, DA Duce, R Banares-Alcantara
2012 Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law …, 2012
R. Bañares-Alcántara:“A Social Agent Model to Simulate Human Behaviour”
J Martínez-Miranda, A Aldea
Proceedings of the 3rd. Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation, Chris top Urban …, 2002
A semantic multi-criteria approach to evaluate different types of energy generation technologies
M Martínez-García, A Valls, A Moreno, A Aldea
Environmental Modelling & Software 110, 129-138, 2018
TEAKS: simulation of human performance at work to support team configuration
J Martínez-Miranda, A Aldea, R Bañares-Alcántara, M Alvarado
Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2006
A systematic evaluation of mobile applications for diabetes management
C Martin, D Flood, D Sutton, A Aldea, R Harrison, M Waite
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
Managing information to support the decision making process
A Aldea, R Bañares-Alcántara, S Skrzypczak
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 11 (03), 1250016, 2012
A multi-key transactions model for NoSQL cloud database systems
A Ogunyadeka, M Younas, H Zhu, A Aldea
2016 IEEE Second International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and …, 2016
Pilet: An interactive learning tool to teach python
B Alshaigy, S Kamal, F Mitchell, C Martin, A Aldea
Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, 76-79, 2015
A hierarchical approach for the redesign of chemical processes
I López-Arévalo, R Banares-Alcántara, A Aldea, A Rodríguez-Martínez
Knowledge and Information Systems 12, 169-201, 2007
Efficacy of the mHealth application in patients with type 2 diabetes transitioning from inpatient to outpatient care: a randomized controlled clinical trial
AM Gómez, DC Henao, FL Vargas, OM Muñoz, OD Lucero, MG Jaramillo, ...
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 189, 109948, 2022
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مقالات 1–20