Marta Palacios
Marta Palacios
Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science (IETcc-CSIC)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A model for the CASH gel formed in alkali-activated slag cements
F Puertas, M Palacios, H Manzano, JS Dolado, A Rico, J Rodríguez
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 31 (12), 2043-2056, 2011
Effect of shrinkage-reducing admixtures on the properties of alkali-activated slag mortars and pastes
M Palacios, F Puertas
Cement and concrete research 37 (5), 691-702, 2007
Effect of superplasticizer and shrinkage-reducing admixtures on alkali-activated slag pastes and mortars
M Palacios, F Puertas
Cement and concrete research 35 (7), 1358-1367, 2005
Polycarboxylate superplasticiser admixtures: effect on hydration, microstructure and rheological behaviour in cement pastes
F Puertas, H Santos, M Palacios, S Martínez-Ramírez
Advances in Cement Research 17 (2), 77-89, 2005
Carbonation process of alkali-activated slag mortars
F Puertas, M Palacios, T Vázquez
Journal of materials science 41 (10), 3071-3082, 2006
Alkali-activated cementitious materials: Alternative matrices for the immobilisation of hazardous wastes: Part II. Stabilisation of chromium and lead
A Palomo, M Palacios
Cement and concrete research 33 (2), 289-295, 2003
Ceramic wastes as alternative raw materials for Portland cement clinker production
F Puertas, I García-Díaz, A Barba, MF Gazulla, M Palacios, MP Gómez, ...
Cement and Concrete Composites 30 (9), 798-805, 2008
Compatibility between superplasticizer admixtures and cements with mineral additions
O Burgos-Montes, M Palacios, P Rivilla, F Puertas
Construction and Building Materials 31, 300-309, 2012
Effect of carbonation on alkali‐activated slag paste
M Palacios, F Puertas
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 89 (10), 3211-3221, 2006
Rheology and setting of alkali-activated slag pastes and mortars: Effect of organic admixture
M Palacios, PFG Banfill, F Puertas
ACI Materials Journal 105 (2), 140, 2008
Adsorption of superplasticizer admixtures on alkali-activated slag pastes
M Palacios, YF Houst, P Bowen, F Puertas
Cement and Concrete Research 39 (8), 670-677, 2009
Compatibility between polycarboxylate-based admixtures and blended-cement pastes
MM Alonso, M Palacios, F Puertas
Cement and concrete Composites 35 (1), 151-162, 2013
Chemistry of chemical admixtures
G Gelardi, S Mantellato, D Marchon, M Palacios, AB Eberhardt, RJ Flatt
Science and technology of concrete admixtures, 149-218, 2016
Understanding silicate hydration from quantitative analyses of hydrating tricalcium silicates
E Pustovgar, RP Sangodkar, AS Andreev, M Palacios, BF Chmelka, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10952, 2016
Influence of aluminates on the hydration kinetics of tricalcium silicate
E Pustovgar, RK Mishra, M Palacios, JBE de Lacaillerie, T Matschei, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 100, 245-262, 2017
Metakaolin sand–blended-cement pastes: Rheology, hydration process and mechanical properties
I Janotka, F Puertas, M Palacios, M Kuliffayová, C Varga
Construction and Building Materials 24 (5), 791-802, 2010
ICP-OES method for the characterization of cement pore solutions and their modification by polycarboxylate-based superplasticizers
F Caruso, S Mantellato, M Palacios, RJ Flatt
Cement and Concrete Research 91, 52-60, 2017
Alkali-aggregate behaviour of alkali-activated slag mortars: Effect of aggregate type
F Puertas, M Palacios, A Gil-Maroto, T Vázquez
Cement and Concrete Composites 31 (5), 277-284, 2009
Binder chemistry–high-calcium alkali-activated materials
SA Bernal, JL Provis, A Fernández-Jiménez, PV Krivenko, E Kavalerova, ...
Alkali activated materials: state-of-the-art report, RILEM TC 224-AAM, 59-91, 2013
Effect of PCs superplasticizers on the rheological properties and hydration process of slag-blended cement pastes
M Palacios, F Puertas, P Bowen, YF Houst
Journal of Materials Science 44, 2714-2723, 2009
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مقالات 1–20