Quincy Brown
Quincy Brown
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Using gamification to motivate children to complete empirical studies in lab environments
R Brewer, L Anthony, Q Brown, G Irwin, J Nias, B Tate
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on interaction design and …, 2013
Interaction and recognition challenges in interpreting children's touch and gesture input on mobile devices
L Anthony, Q Brown, J Nias, B Tate, S Mohan
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Interactive …, 2012
DisCo: a co-design online tool for asynchronous distributed child and adult design partners
G Walsh, A Druin, ML Guha, E Bonsignore, E Foss, JC Yip, E Golub, ...
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and …, 2012
Computer aided instruction as a vehicle for problem solving: Scratch boards in the middle years classroom
Q Brown, W Mongan, D Kusic, E Garbarine, E Fromm, A Fontecchio
2008 annual conference & exposition, 13.319. 1-13.319. 16, 2008
Designing smarter touch-based interfaces for educational contexts
L Anthony, Q Brown, B Tate, J Nias, R Brewer, G Irwin
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 18, 1471-1483, 2014
Emphasizing soft skills and team development in an educational digital game design course
Q Brown, F Lee, S Alejandre
Proceedings of the 4th international Conference on Foundations of Digital …, 2009
Child or adult? Inferring Smartphone users’ age group from touch measurements alone
RD Vatavu, L Anthony, Q Brown
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2015: 15th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2015
Examining the need for visual feedback during gesture interaction on mobile touchscreen devices for kids
L Anthony, Q Brown, J Nias, B Tate
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Interaction Design and …, 2013
Toward comparing the touchscreen interaction patterns of kids and adults
Q Brown, L Anthony
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Workshop on Educational Software, Interfaces and …, 2012
Clear Panels: a technique to design mobile application interactivity
Q Brown, E Bonsignore, L Hatley, A Druin, G Walsh, E Foss, R Brewer, ...
Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on designing interactive systems, 360-363, 2010
Mobile intelligent tutoring system: Moving intelligent tutoring systems off the desktop
Q Brown
Drexel University, 2009
A call to action for the ACM
C Harrington, Y Rankin, J Jones, R Brewer, S Erete, T Dillahunt, Q Brown
ACM Interactions, 2020
Children (and adults) benefit from visual feedback during gesture interaction on mobile touchscreen devices
L Anthony, Q Brown, J Nias, B Tate
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 6, 17-27, 2015
This is who I am and this is what I do: demystifying the process of designing culturally authentic technology
W Eugene, L Hatley, K McMullen, Q Brown, Y Rankin, S Lewis
Internationalization, Design and Global Development: Third International …, 2009
Characterizing how interface complexity affects children's touchscreen interactions
J Woodward, A Shaw, A Luc, B Craig, J Das, P Hall Jr, A Holla, G Irwin, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
MOTIVATE: Bringing out the fun with 3-D printing and e-textiles for middle-and high-school girls
Q Brown, JD Burge
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 24.915. 1-24.915. 12, 2014
Interface challenges for mobile tutoring systems
Q Brown, FJ Lee, DD Salvucci, V Aleven
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 9th International Conference, ITS 2008 …, 2008
The CS10K initiative: progress in K-12 through" exploring computer science" part 1
Q Brown, A Briggs
ACM Inroads 6 (3), 52-53, 2015
The design of a mobile intelligent tutoring system
Q Brown, FJ Lee, DD Salvucci, V Aleven
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring …, 2008
Shifting the paradigm of african-american students from consumers of computer science to producers of computer science
Y Rankin, J Thomas, Q Brown, L Hatley
Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education …, 2013
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مقالات 1–20