Lawrence Gallagher
Lawrence Gallagher
Senior Assessment and Program Evaluation Analyst
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على stanford.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
What makes professional development effective? Strategies that foster curriculum implementation
WR Penuel, BJ Fishman, R Yamaguchi, LP Gallagher
American educational research journal 44 (4), 921-958, 2007
Integration of technology, curriculum, and professional development for advancing middle school mathematics: Three large-scale studies
J Roschelle, N Shechtman, D Tatar, S Hegedus, B Hopkins, S Empson, ...
American Educational Research Journal 47 (4), 833-878, 2010
Preparing teachers to design sequences of instruction in earth systems science: A comparison of three professional development programs
WR Penuel, LP Gallagher, S Moorthy
American educational research journal 48 (4), 996-1025, 2011
Impact of project‐based curriculum materials on student learning in science: Results of a randomized controlled trial
CJ Harris, WR Penuel, CM D'Angelo, AH DeBarger, LP Gallagher, ...
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 52 (10), 1362-1385, 2015
Is alignment enough? Investigating the effects of state policies and professional development on science curriculum implementation
W Penuel, BJ Fishman, LP Gallagher, C Korbak, B Lopez‐Prado
Science Education 93 (4), 656-677, 2009
Preparing teachers to design instruction for deep understanding in middle school earth science
WR Penuel, LP Gallagher
The Journal of the Learning Sciences 18 (4), 461-508, 2009
Research on the use of Khan Academy in schools: Implementation report
R Murphy, L Gallagher, AE Krumm, J Mislevy, A Hafter
Implementation report. SRI International, 2014
Class Size Reduction in California
GW Bohrnstedt, LW Gallagher, H Hikawa, J Shkolnik, E Wiley, ...
For an analysis of more recent data that draws the same broad conclusions …, 2002
Supplementing literacy instruction with a media-rich intervention: Results of a randomized controlled trial
WR Penuel, L Bates, LP Gallagher, S Pasnik, C Llorente, E Townsend, ...
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 27 (1), 115-127, 2012
Teachers' Use of Student Data Systems to Improve Instruction: 2005 to 2007.
L Gallagher, B Means, C Padilla
US Department of Education, 2008
Achievement Effects of Four Early Elementary School Math Curricula: Findings for First and Second Graders. NCEE 2011-4001.
R Agodini, B Harris, M Thomas, R Murphy, L Gallagher
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2010
Preschool Teachers Can Use a Media-Rich Curriculum to Prepare Low-Income Children for School Success: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Summative Evaluation of the …
WR Penuel, S Pasnik, L Bates, E Townsend, LP Gallagher, C Llorente, ...
Education Development Center, Inc., 2009
Measuring experiences of interest-related pursuits in connected learning
A Maul, WR Penuel, N Dadey, LP Gallagher, T Podkul, E Price
Educational Technology Research and Development 65 (1), 1-28, 2017
Teachers' Use of Student Data Systems to Improve Instruction.
B Means, L Gallagher, C Padilla
US Department of Education, 2007
Curriculum materials make a difference for next generation science learning: Results from year 1 of a randomized controlled trial
CJ Harris, WR Penuel, A DeBarger, C D’Angelo, LP Gallagher
Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, 2014
Comparing three approaches to preparing teachers to teach for deep understanding in Earth science: Short-term impacts on teachers and teaching practice
WR Penuel, LP Gallagher
Journal of the Learning Sciences 18 (4), 461-508, 2009
Naturalizing assessment
V Michalchik, L Gallagher
Curator: The Museum Journal 53 (2), 209-219, 2010
GLOBE Year 10 evaluation: Into the next generation
WR Penuel, M Bienkowski, L Gallagher, C Korbak, W Sussex, ...
Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, 2006
The impact of a media-rich science curriculum on low-income preschoolers' science talk at home
WR Penuel, L Bates, S Pasnik, E Townsend, LP Gallagher, C Llorente, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2010
The mediating role of coherence in curriculum implementation
W Penuel, BJ Fishman, LP Gallagher, C Korbak, B Lopez-Prado
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc., 2008
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مقالات 1–20