Haydn Kuchel
Haydn Kuchel
Australian Grain Technologies / University of Adelaide
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Diversity arrays technology (DArT) for high-throughput profiling of the hexaploid wheat genome
M Akbari, P Wenzl, V Caig, J Carling, L Xia, S Yang, G Uszynski, V Mohler, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 113, 1409-1420, 2006
Genetic and genomic tools to improve drought tolerance in wheat
D Fleury, S Jefferies, H Kuchel, P Langridge
Journal of experimental botany 61 (12), 3211-3222, 2010
Detection of two major grain yield QTL in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under heat, drought and high yield potential environments
D Bennett, M Reynolds, D Mullan, A Izanloo, H Kuchel, P Langridge, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 125, 1473-1485, 2012
Genetic dissection of grain yield in bread wheat. I. QTL analysis
H Kuchel, KJ Williams, P Langridge, HA Eagles, SP Jefferies
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 115, 1029-1041, 2007
Joint modeling of additive and non-additive genetic line effects in single field trials
H Oakey, A Verbyla, W Pitchford, B Cullis, H Kuchel
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113, 809-819, 2006
The genetic control of milling yield, dough rheology and baking quality of wheat
H Kuchel, P Langridge, L Mosionek, K Williams, SP Jefferies
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112, 1487-1495, 2006
Genetic dissection of grain yield and physical grain quality in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under water-limited environments
D Bennett, A Izanloo, M Reynolds, H Kuchel, P Langridge, T Schnurbusch
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 125, 255-271, 2012
Factor analytic mixed models for the provision of grower information from national crop variety testing programs
AB Smith, A Ganesalingam, H Kuchel, BR Cullis
Theoretical and applied genetics 128, 55-72, 2015
Optimising genomic selection in wheat: effect of marker density, population size and population structure on prediction accuracy
A Norman, J Taylor, J Edwards, H Kuchel
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 8 (9), 2889-2899, 2018
Quantification of the effects of VRN1 and Ppd-D1 to predict spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) heading time across diverse environments
B Zheng, B Biddulph, D Li, H Kuchel, S Chapman
Journal of experimental botany 64 (12), 3747-3761, 2013
Sequence tagged microsatellites for the Xgwm533 locus provide new diagnostic markers to select for the presence of stem rust resistance gene Sr2 in bread wheat (Triticum …
MJ Hayden, H Kuchel, KJ Chalmers
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109, 1641-1647, 2004
Genetic and economic analysis of a targeted marker-assisted wheat breeding strategy
H Kuchel, G Ye, R Fox, S Jefferies
Molecular Breeding 16, 67-78, 2005
The successful application of a marker-assisted wheat breeding strategy
H Kuchel, R Fox, J Reinheimer, L Mosionek, N Willey, H Bariana, ...
Molecular Breeding 20, 295-308, 2007
Marker assisted wheat breeding in the southern region of Australia
MA Pallotta, P Warner, RL Fox, H Kuchel, SJ Jefferies, P Langridge
Proceedings of the Tenth International Wheat Genetics Symposium, 789-791, 2003
Identification of novel quantitative trait loci for days to ear emergence and flag leaf glaucousness in a bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) population adapted to …
D Bennett, A Izanloo, J Edwards, H Kuchel, K Chalmers, M Tester, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 124, 697-711, 2012
Photogrammetry for the estimation of wheat biomass and harvest index
J Walter, J Edwards, G McDonald, H Kuchel
Field Crops Research 216, 165-174, 2018
Estimating biomass and canopy height with LiDAR for field crop breeding
JDC Walter, J Edwards, G McDonald, H Kuchel
Frontiers in plant science 10, 1145, 2019
Ppd-B1 and Ppd-D1 and their effects in southern Australian wheat
K Cane, HA Eagles, DA Laurie, B Trevaskis, N Vallance, RF Eastwood, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (2), 100-114, 2013
Identification of genetic loci associated with ear-emergence in bread wheat
H Kuchel, G Hollamby, P Langridge, K Williams, SP Jefferies
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113, 1103-1112, 2006
Photoperiod and vernalization gene effects in southern Australian wheat
HA Eagles, K Cane, H Kuchel, GJ Hollamby, N Vallance, RF Eastwood, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 61 (9), 721-730, 2010
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مقالات 1–20