Alejandra Recio Saucedo
Alejandra Recio Saucedo
Research Fellow, University of Southampton
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The association between nurse staffing and omissions in nursing care: A systematic review
P Griffiths, A Recio‐Saucedo, C Dall'Ora, J Briggs, A Maruotti, P Meredith, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 74 (7), 1474-1487, 2018
What impact does nursing care left undone have on patient outcomes? Review of the literature
A Recio‐Saucedo, C Dall'Ora, A Maruotti, J Ball, J Briggs, P Meredith, ...
Journal of clinical nursing 27 (11-12), 2248-2259, 2018
Characteristics of shift work and their impact on employee performance and wellbeing: A literature review
C Dall’Ora, J Ball, A Recio-Saucedo, P Griffiths
International Journal of Nursing Studies 57, 12–27, 2016
Nurse staffing, nursing assistants and hospital mortality: retrospective longitudinal cohort study
P Griffiths, A Maruotti, AR Saucedo, OC Redfern, JE Ball, J Briggs, ...
BMJ quality & safety 28 (8), 609-617, 2019
Nurse staffing and patient outcomes: Strengths and limitations of the evidence to inform policy and practice. A review and discussion paper based on evidence reviewed for the …
P Griffiths, J Ball, J Drennan, C Dall’Ora, J Jones, A Maruotti, C Pope, ...
International journal of nursing studies 63, 213-225, 2016
Nurse staffing levels, missed vital signs and mortality in hospitals: retrospective longitudinal observational study
P Griffiths, J Ball, K Bloor, D Böhning, J Briggs, C Dall’Ora, AD Iongh, ...
Health Services and Delivery Research 6 (38), 2018
The association between patient safety outcomes and nurse/healthcare assistant skill mix and staffing levels and factors that may influence staffing requirements
P Griffiths, J Ball, J Drennan, L James, J Jones, A Recio, M Simon
University of Southampton, 2014
Information requirements of young women with breast cancer treated with mastectomy or breast conserving surgery: A systematic review
A Recio-Saucedo, S Gerty, C Foster, D Eccles, RI Cutress
The Breast 25, 1-13, 2016
Are long nursing shifts on hospital wards associated with sickness absence? A longitudinal retrospective observational study
C Dall’Ora, J Ball, O Redfern, A Recio‐Saucedo, A Maruotti, P Meredith, ...
Journal of Nursing Management 27 (1), 19-26, 2019
The association between nurse staffing levels and the timeliness of vital signs monitoring: a retrospective observational study in the UK
OC Redfern, P Griffiths, A Maruotti, AR Saucedo, GB Smith
BMJ open 9 (9), e032157, 2019
Development and testing of a text-mining approach to analyse patients’ comments on their experiences of colorectal cancer care
R Wagland, A Recio-Saucedo, M Simon, M Bracher, K Hunt, C Foster, ...
BMJ quality & safety 25 (8), 604-614, 2016
Safe staffing for nursing in emergency departments: evidence review
JD Alejandra Recio-Saucedo, Catherine Pope, Chiara Dall'Ora, Peter Griffiths ...
Emergency Medicine Journal, 2015
Nurses’ 12-hour shifts and missed or delayed vital signs observations on hospital wards: retrospective observational study
C Dall’Ora, P Griffiths, O Redfern, A Recio-Saucedo, P Meredith, J Ball
BMJ open 9 (1), e024778, 2019
The measurement frequency and completeness of vital signs in general hospital wards: An evidence free zone?
GB Smith, A Recio-Saucedo, P Griffiths
International Journal of Nursing Studies 74, A1-A4, 2017
A fundamental conflict of care: Nurses’ accounts of balancing patients' sleep with taking vital sign observations at night
J Hope, A Recio‐Saucedo, C Fogg, P Griffiths, GB Smith, G Westwood, ...
Journal of clinical nursing 27 (9-10), 1860-1871, 2018
What works for peer review and decision-making in research funding: a realist synthesis
A Recio-Saucedo, K Crane, K Meadmore, K Fackrell, H Church, S Fraser, ...
Research integrity and peer review 7 (1), 2, 2022
Missed Care Study, G.(2018). The association between nurse staffing and omissions in nursing care: A systematic review
P Griffiths, A Recio-Saucedo, C Dall'Ora, J Briggs, A Maruotti, P Meredith, ...
Journal of Advanced Nursing 74 (7), 1474-1487, 0
The Safer Nursing Care Tool as a guide to nurse staffing requirements on hospital wards: observational and modelling study
P Griffiths, C Saville, JE Ball, R Chable, A Dimech, J Jones, Y Jeffrey, ...
The association between nurse staffing levels and a failure to respond to patients with deranged physiology: a retrospective observational study in the UK
GB Smith, O Redfern, A Maruotti, A Recio-Saucedo, P Griffiths, ...
Resuscitation 149, 202-208, 2020
Systematic review of the empirical investigation of resources to support decision-making regarding BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing in women with breast cancer
C Grimmett, K Pickett, J Shepherd, K Welch, A Recio-Saucedo, E Streit, ...
Patient education and counseling 101 (5), 779-788, 2018
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مقالات 1–20