yingdi zhang
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Microbial community dynamics in anaerobic digesters treating conventional and vacuum toilet flushed blackwater
M Gao, B Guo, L Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Liu
Water Research 160, 249-258, 2019
Co-digestion of blackwater with kitchen organic waste: Effects of mixing ratios and insights into microbial community
YL L.Zhang, B.Guo, Q.Zhang, A.Florentino, R.Xu, Y.Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production 236, 2019
Granular activated carbon stimulated microbial physiological changes for enhanced anaerobic digestion of municipal sewage
Y Zhang, L Zhang, B Guo, Y Zhou, M Gao, A Sharaf, Y Liu
Chemical Engineering Journal 400, 125838, 2020
Key syntrophic partnerships identified in a granular activated carbon amended UASB treating municipal sewage under low temperature conditions
Y Zhang, B Guo, L Zhang, Y Liu
Bioresource technology 312, 123556, 2020
Enhancing biomethane recovery from source-diverted blackwater through hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis dominant pathway
M Gao, L Zhang, B Guo, Y Zhang, Y Liu
Chemical Engineering Journal 378, 122258, 2019
RNA-based spatial community analysis revealed intra-reactor variation and expanded collection of direct interspecies electron transfer microorganisms in anaerobic digestion
B Guo, Y Zhang, L Zhang, Y Zhou, Y Liu
Bioresource technology 298, 122534, 2020
Different micro-aeration rates facilitate production of different end-products from source-diverted blackwater
N Yu, B Guo, Y Zhang, L Zhang, Y Zhou, Y Liu
Water Research 177, 115783, 2020
Enhancing the resistance to H2S toxicity during anaerobic digestion of low-strength wastewater through granular activated carbon (GAC) addition
Y Zhang, L Zhang, N Yu, B Guo, Y Liu
Journal of Hazardous Materials 430, 128473, 2022
Self-fluidized GAC-amended UASB reactor for enhanced methane production
N Yu, B Guo, Y Zhang, L Zhang, Y Zhou, Y Liu
Chemical Engineering Journal 420, 127652, 2021
Microbial community dynamics in granular activated carbon enhanced up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) treating municipal sewage under sulfate reducing and psychrophilic …
Y Zhang, B Guo, L Zhang, H Zhang, Y Liu
Chemical Engineering Journal 405, 126957, 2021
Biomethane recovery from source-diverted household blackwater: Impacts from feed sulfate
M Gao, B Guo, L Zhang, Y Zhang, N Yu, Y Liu
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 136, 28-38, 2020
Impacts of conductive materials on microbial community during syntrophic propionate oxidization for biomethane recovery
B Guo, Y Zhang, N Yu, Y Liu
Water Environment Research 93 (1), 84-93, 2021
Calcium phosphate granules formation: Key to high rate of mesophilic UASB treatment of toilet wastewater
L Zhang, A Mou, H Sun, Y Zhang, Y Zhou, Y Liu
Science of the Total Environment 773, 144972, 2021
Impacts of granular activated carbon addition on anaerobic granulation in blackwater treatment
L Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Yuan, A Mou, S Park, Y Liu
Environmental Research 206, 112406, 2022
Roles of granular activated carbon (GAC) and operational factors on active microbiome development in anaerobic reactors
Y Zhang, B Guo, H Dang, L Zhang, H Sun, N Yu, Y Tang, Y Liu
Bioresource technology 343, 126104, 2022
Granular activated carbon stimulated microbial extracellular secretions in anaerobic digesters: An egalitarian act and beyond
Y Zhang, L Zhang, H Sun, Y Yuan, Y Liu
Chemical Engineering Journal 456, 140850, 2023
A high‐rate anaerobic biofilm reactor for biomethane recovery from source‐separated blackwater at ambient temperature
Q Huang, BS Zakaria, Y Zhang, L Zhang, Y Liu, BR Dhar
Water Environment Research 93 (1), 61-74, 2021
Exploring key factors in anaerobic syntrophic interactions: Biomass activity, microbial community, and morphology
L Zhang, Y Yuan, Y Zhang, Y Liu
Bioresource Technology 363, 127852, 2022
Harnessing Carbonaceous materials' multifaceted roles for enhanced anaerobic digestion performance
Y Zhang, Y Liu
Chemical Engineering Journal 477, 146931, 2023
Calcium hypochlorite pretreatment improves thermophilic digestion of waste activated sludge in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor
L Zhang, Y Yuan, Y Zhang, Y Liu
Science of the Total Environment 809, 151130, 2022
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مقالات 1–20