Masako Darrough
Masako Darrough
Professor of Accounting, Baruch College
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على baruch.cuny.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Financial disclosure policy in an entry game
MN Darrough, NM Stoughton
Journal of accounting and economics 12 (1-3), 219-243, 1990
Disclosure policy and competition: Cournot vs. Bertrand
MN Darrough
Accounting review, 534-561, 1993
Do insiders manipulate earnings when they sell their shares in an initial public offering?
M Darrough, S Rangan
Journal of accounting research 43 (1), 1-33, 2005
Valuation of loss firms in a knowledge-based economy
M Darrough, J Ye
Review of Accounting Studies 12, 61-93, 2007
Flexible functional forms and expenditure distributions: An application to Canadian consumer demand functions
ER Berndt, MN Darrough, WE Diewert
International Economic Review, 651-675, 1977
The relation between CEO compensation and past performance
RD Banker, MN Darrough, R Huang, JM Plehn-Dujowich
The Accounting Review 88 (1), 1-30, 2013
Product reliability and firm value: The experience of American and Japanese automakers, 1973-1992
BM Barber, MN Darrough
Journal of political economy 104 (5), 1084-1099, 1996
Moral hazard and adverse selection: The question of financial structure
MN Darrough, NM Stoughton
The Journal of Finance 41 (2), 501-513, 1986
Optimal pricing policy in the presence of experience effects
FH Clarke, MN Darrough, JM Heineke
Journal of Business, 517-530, 1982
Warranty reserve: Contingent liability, information signal, or earnings management tool?
D Cohen, MN Darrough, R Huang, T Zach
The Accounting Review 86 (2), 569-604, 2011
Goodwill impairment losses and CEO compensation
MN Darrough, L Guler, P Wang
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 29 (4), 435-463, 2014
Optimal conservatism with earnings manipulation
J Bertomeu, M Darrough, W Xue
Contemporary Accounting Research 34 (1), 252-284, 2017
Earnings management in Japanese companies
MN Darrough, H Pourjalali, S Saudagaran
The International Journal of Accounting 33 (3), 313-334, 1998
A bargaining approach to profit sharing in joint ventures
MN Darrough, NM Stoughton
Journal of Business, 237-270, 1989
Value relevance of accounting information for intangible-intensive industries and the impact of scale: The US evidence
M Ciftci, M Darrough, R Mashruwala
European Accounting Review 23 (2), 199-226, 2014
The FCPA and the OECD convention: Some lessons from the US experience
MN Darrough
Journal of Business Ethics 93, 255-276, 2010
A positive model of earnings forecasts: Top down versus bottom up
MN Darrough, T Russell
The Journal of Business 75 (1), 127-152, 2002
Do management forecasts of earnings affect stock prices in Japan?
MN Darrough
Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Graduate School of Business …, 1989
Divisional versus company-wide focus: The trade-off between allocation of managerial attention and screening of talent
MN Darrough, ND Melumad
Journal of Accounting Research 33, 65-94, 1995
What explains the valuation difference between intangible‐intensive profit and loss firms?
M Ciftci, M Darrough
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 42 (1-2), 138-166, 2015
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مقالات 1–20