Miguel L. Crespillo
Miguel L. Crespillo
Nuclear Engineering Dept. University of Tennessee
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على utk.edu - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
New ion beam materials laboratory for materials modification and irradiation effects research
Y Zhang, ML Crespillo, H Xue, K Jin, CH Chen, CL Fontana, JT Graham, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2014
Structural damage and phase stability of Al0. 3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy under high temperature ion irradiation
T Yang, W Guo, JD Poplawsky, D Li, L Wang, Y Li, W Hu, ML Crespillo, ...
Acta Materialia 188, 1-15, 2020
In-situ luminescence monitoring of ion-induced damage evolution in SiO2 and Al2O3
ML Crespillo, JT Graham, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
Journal of Luminescence 172, 208-218, 2016
Effect of alloying elements on defect evolution in Ni-20X binary alloys
T Yang, C Lu, G Velisa, K Jin, P Xiu, ML Crespillo, Y Zhang, H Bei, ...
Acta Materialia 151, 159-168, 2018
Thermal stability and irradiation response of nanocrystalline CoCrCuFeNi high-entropy alloy
Y Zhang, MA Tunes, ML Crespillo, F Zhang, WL Boldman, PD Rack, ...
Nanotechnology 30 (29), 294004, 2019
Temperature measurements during high flux ion beam irradiations
ML Crespillo, JT Graham, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2), 024902, 2016
The effect of injected interstitials on void formation in self-ion irradiated nickel containing concentrated solid solution alloys
T Yang, C Lu, K Jin, ML Crespillo, Y Zhang, H Bei, L Wang
Journal of Nuclear Materials 488, 328-337, 2017
Irradiation-induced damage evolution in concentrated Ni-based alloys
G Velişa, MW Ullah, H Xue, K Jin, ML Crespillo, H Bei, WJ Weber, ...
Acta Materialia 135, 54-60, 2017
Thick optical waveguides in lithium niobate induced by swift heavy ions (~ 10 MeV/amu) at ultralow fluences
J Olivares, ML Crespillo, O Caballero-Calero, MD Ynsa, ...
Optics Express 17 (26), 24175-24182, 2009
A coupled effect of nuclear and electronic energy loss on ion irradiation damage in lithium niobate
P Liu, Y Zhang, H Xue, K Jin, ML Crespillo, X Wang, WJ Weber
Acta Materialia 105, 429-437, 2016
Bubble formation and lattice parameter changes resulting from He irradiation of defect-fluorite Gd2Zr2O7
Taylor, Caitlin A., Patel, Maulik K., Aguiar, Jeffery A., Zhang, Yanwen ...
Acta Materialia 115, 115–122, 2016
Interstitial migration behavior and defect evolution in ion irradiated pure nickel and Ni-xFe binary alloys
C Lu, T Yang, L Niu, Q Peng, K Jin, ML Crespillo, G Velisa, H Xue, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 509, 237-244, 2018
Recent advances on carrier and exciton self-trapping in strontium titanate: Understanding the luminescence emissions
ML Crespillo, JT Graham, F Agulló-López, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
Crystals 9 (2), 95, 2019
The irradiation response of ZrC ceramics under 10 MeV Au3+ ion irradiation at 800 ºC
R Florez, ML Crespillo, X He, TA White, G Hilmas, W Fahrenholtz, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40 (5), 1791-1800, 2020
Multiscale characterization of irradiation behaviour of ion-irradiated SiC/SiC composites
S Agarwal, G Duscher, Y Zhao, ML Crespillo, Y Katoh, WJ Weber
Acta Materialia 161, 207-220, 2018
Role of oxygen vacancies on light emission mechanisms in SrTiO3 induced by high-energy particles
ML Crespillo, JT Graham, F Agulló-López, Y Zhang, WJ Weber
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (15), 155303, 2017
Irradiation‐induced extremes create hierarchical face‐/body‐centered‐cubic phases in nanostructured high entropy alloys
L Jiang, YJ Hu, K Sun, P Xiu, M Song, Y Zhang, WL Boldman, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (39), 2002652, 2020
Irradiation-induced microstructural change in helium-implanted single crystal and nano-engineered SiC
CH Chen, Y Zhang, E Fu, Y Wang, ML Crespillo, C Liu, S Shannon, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 453 (1-3), 280-286, 2014
Evolution of the microstructural and mechanical properties of BAM-11 bulk metallic glass during ion irradiation and annealing
J Brechtl, S Agarwal, ML Crespillo, T Yang, H Bei, SJ Zinkle
Journal of Nuclear Materials 523, 299-309, 2019
Quantifying early stage irradiation damage from nanoindentation pop-in tests
K Jin, Y Xia, M Crespillo, H Xue, Y Zhang, YF Gao, H Bei
Scripta Materialia 157, 49-53, 2018
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20