Martin Braun
Martin Braun
Director Fraunhofer IEE and Professor for Sustainable Energy Systems, University of Kassel
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على iee.fraunhofer.de
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
pandapower—an open-source python tool for convenient modeling, analysis, and optimization of electric power systems
L Thurner, A Scheidler, F Schäfer, JH Menke, J Dollichon, F Meier, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (6), 6510-6521, 2018
Improved low voltage grid-integration of photovoltaic systems in Germany
T Stetz, F Marten, M Braun
IEEE Transactions on sustainable energy 4 (2), 534-542, 2012
Optimization of unit commitment and economic dispatch in microgrids based on genetic algorithm and mixed integer linear programming
M Nemati, M Braun, S Tenbohlen
Applied energy 210, 944-963, 2018
Time in the sun: the challenge of high PV penetration in the German electric grid
J Von Appen, M Braun, T Stetz, K Diwold, D Geibel
IEEE Power and Energy magazine 11 (2), 55-64, 2013
Local voltage control strategies for PV storage systems in distribution grids
J Von Appen, T Stetz, M Braun, A Schmiegel
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (2), 1002-1009, 2014
Simbench—a benchmark dataset of electric power systems to compare innovative solutions based on power flow analysis
S Meinecke, D Sarajlić, SR Drauz, A Klettke, LP Lauven, C Rehtanz, ...
Energies 13 (12), 3290, 2020
Is the distribution grid ready to accept large‐scale photovoltaic deployment? State of the art, progress, and future prospects
M Braun, T Stetz, R Bründlinger, C Mayr, K Ogimoto, H Hatta, ...
Progress in photovoltaics: Research and applications 20 (6), 681-697, 2012
Photovoltaic self-consumption in Germany: using lithium-ion storage to increase self-consumed photovoltaic energy
M Braun, K Büdenbender, D Magnor, A Jossen
24th European photovoltaic solar energy conference (PVSEC), Hamburg, Germany, 2009
Provision of ancillary services by distributed generators: Technological and economic perspective
M Braun
kassel university press GmbH, 2009
Control of photovoltaic systems for enhanced short-term voltage stability and recovery
G Lammert, D Premm, LDP Ospina, JC Boemer, M Braun, T Van Cutsem
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 34 (1), 243-254, 2018
A review on aggregation approaches of controllable distributed energy units in electrical power systems
M Braun, P Strauss
International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources 4 (4), 297-319, 2008
Techno-economic assessment of voltage control strategies in low voltage grids
T Stetz, K Diwold, M Kraiczy, D Geibel, S Schmidt, M Braun
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (4), 2125-2132, 2014
Reactive power supply by distributed generators
M Braun
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery …, 2008
Distribution system monitoring for smart power grids with distributed generation using artificial neural networks
JH Menke, N Bornhorst, M Braun
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 113, 472-480, 2019
Technological control capabilities of DER to provide future ancillary services
M Braun
International journal of distributed energy resources 3 (3), 191-206, 2007
A survey and statistical analysis of smart grid co-simulations
M Vogt, F Marten, M Braun
Applied energy 222, 67-78, 2018
Methods for analysis and quantification of power system resilience
AM Stanković, KL Tomsovic, F De Caro, M Braun, JH Chow, N Čukalevski, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (5), 4774-4787, 2022
Optimal reactive power supply in distribution networks-technological and economic assessment for PV-systems
M Braun, T Stetz, T Reimann, B Valov, G Arnold
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 3872-3881, 2009
Parallel operation of transformers with on load tap changer and photovoltaic systems with reactive power control
M Kraiczy, T Stetz, M Braun
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (6), 6419-6428, 2017
Optimizing biogas plants with excess power unit and storage capacity in electricity and control reserve markets
P Hochloff, M Braun
Biomass and bioenergy 65, 125-135, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20