Jana Sedlakova-Kadukova
Jana Sedlakova-Kadukova
Department of Ecochemistry and Radioecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Ss. Cyril
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Comparison of differences between copper bioaccumulation and biosorption
J Kaduková, E Virčíková
Environment international 31 (2), 227-232, 2005
Phytoextraction and phytoexcretion of Cd by the leaves of Tamarix smyrnensis growing on contaminated non-saline and saline soils
E Manousaki, J Kadukova, N Papadantonakis, N Kalogerakis
Environmental Research 106 (3), 326-332, 2008
Biosorption and bioaccumulation abilities of actinomycetes/streptomycetes isolated from metal contaminated sites
I Timková, J Sedláková-Kaduková, P Pristaš
Separations 5 (4), 54, 2018
Pb and Cd Accumulation and Phyto-Excretion by Salt Cedar (Tamarix Smyrnensis Bunge)
J Kadukova, E Manousaki, N Kalogerakis
International journal of phytoremediation 10 (1), 31-46, 2008
Bioaccumulation and biosorption of zinc by a novel Streptomyces K11 strain isolated from highly alkaline aluminium brown mud disposal site
J Sedlakova-Kadukova, A Kopcakova, L Gresakova, A Godany, P Pristas
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 167, 204-211, 2019
Application of deep eutectic solvents for separation and determination of bioactive compounds in medicinal plants
A Kalyniukova, J Holuša, D Musiolek, J Sedlakova-Kadukova, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 172, 114047, 2021
Physiology of Matricaria chamomilla exposed to nickel excess
J Kováčik, B Klejdus, J Kaduková, M Bačkor
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 72 (2), 603-609, 2009
Influence of H2SO4 and ferric iron on Cd bioleaching from spent Ni–Cd batteries
O Velgosová, J Kaduková, R Marcinčáková, P Palfy, J Trpčevská
Waste management 33 (2), 456-461, 2013
Lead accumulation from non-saline and saline environment by Tamarix smyrnensis Bunge
J Kadukova, N Kalogerakis
European Journal of Soil Biology 43 (4), 216-223, 2007
Comparison of three different bioleaching systems for Li recovery from lepidolite
J Sedlakova-Kadukova, R Marcincakova, A Luptakova, M Vojtko, M Fujda, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 14594, 2020
Physiological responses of Matricaria chamomilla to cadmium and copper excess
J Kováčik, M Bačkor, J Kadukova
Environmental toxicology 23 (1), 123-130, 2008
Minerálne biotechnológie: Biosorpcia kovov z roztokov. III.
J Kaduková, E Virčíková
Vysoká škola báňska-Technická univerzita, 2003
Surface sorption and nanoparticle production as a silver detoxification mechanism of the freshwater alga Parachlorella kessleri
J Kadukova
Bioresource Technology 216, 406-413, 2016
Influence of long-term exposure to copper on the lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici and the free-living algae Scenedesmus quadricauda
J Piovár, E Stavrou, J Kaduková, T Kimáková, M Bačkor
Plant growth regulation 63, 81-88, 2011
A whole-plant mathematical model for the phytoextraction of lead (Pb) by maize
E Chrysafopoulou, J Kadukova, N Kalogerakis
Environment international 31 (2), 255-262, 2005
Biohydrometallurgical methods for metals recovery from waste materials
J Willner, J Kadukova, A Fornalczyk, M Saternus
Metalurgija 54 (1), 255-258, 2015
The effect of specific conditions on Cu, Ni, Zn and Al recovery from PCBS waste using acidophilic bacterial strains
A Mrážiková, J Kaduková, R Marcinčáková, O Velgosová, J Willner, ...
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 61 (1), 261-264, 2016
Metal bioleaching from spent lithium-ion batteries using acidophilic bacterial strains
R Marcincakova, J Kadukova, A Mrazikova, O Velgosova, A Luptakova, ...
Inżynieria Mineralna 17 (1), 117-120, 2016
The role of main leaching agents responsible for Ni bioleaching from spent Ni-Cd batteries
O Velgosová, J Kaduková, R Marcinčáková, A Mrážiková, L Fröhlich
Separation Science and Technology 49 (3), 438-444, 2014
Determination of the functional groups in algae parachlorella kessleri by potentiometric titrations
D Ivánová, J Kaduková, J Kavuličová, H Horváthová
Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica 11 (2), 93-99, 2012
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مقالات 1–20