Eva Balsa Canto
Eva Balsa Canto
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Structural identifiability of systems biology models: a critical comparison of methods
OT Chis, JR Banga, E Balsa-Canto
PloS one 6 (11), e27755, 2011
Dynamic optimization of bioprocesses: Efficient and robust numerical strategies
JR Banga, E Balsa-Canto, CG Moles, AA Alonso
Journal of biotechnology 117 (4), 407-419, 2005
Improving food processing using modern optimization methods
JR Banga, E Balsa-Canto, CG Moles, AA Alonso
Trends in food science & Technology 14 (4), 131-144, 2003
An iterative identification procedure for dynamic modeling of biochemical networks
E Balsa-Canto, AA Alonso, JR Banga
BMC systems biology 4, 1-18, 2010
Parameter estimation and optimal experimental design
JR Banga, E Balsa-Canto
Essays in biochemistry 45, 195-210, 2008
AMIGO2, a toolbox for dynamic modeling, optimization and control in systems biology
E Balsa-Canto, D Henriques, A Gábor, JR Banga
Bioinformatics 32 (21), 3357-3359, 2016
GenSSI: a software toolbox for structural identifiability analysis of biological models
O Chiş, JR Banga, E Balsa-Canto
Bioinformatics 27 (18), 2610-2611, 2011
Dynamic optimization of nonlinear processes with an enhanced scatter search method
JA Egea, E Balsa-Canto, MSG García, JR Banga
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48 (9), 4388-4401, 2009
Computational procedures for optimal experimental design in biological systems
E Balsa-Canto, AA Alonso, JR Banga
IET systems biology 2 (4), 163-172, 2008
Dynamic optimization of chemical and biochemical processes using restricted second-order information
E Balsa-Canto, JR Banga, AA Alonso, VS Vassiliadis
Computers & Chemical Engineering 25 (4-6), 539-546, 2001
Hybrid optimization method with general switching strategy for parameter estimation
E Balsa-Canto, M Peifer, JR Banga, J Timmer, C Fleck
BMC systems biology 2, 1-9, 2008
Second-order sensitivities of general dynamic systems with application to optimal control problems
VS Vassiliadis, EB Canto, JR Banga
Chemical Engineering Science 54 (17), 3851-3860, 1999
GenSSI 2.0: multi-experiment structural identifiability analysis of SBML models
TS Ligon, F Fröhlich, OT Chiş, JR Banga, E Balsa-Canto, J Hasenauer
Bioinformatics 34 (8), 1421-1423, 2018
AMIGO, a toolbox for advanced model identification in systems biology using global optimization
E Balsa-Canto, JR Banga
Bioinformatics 27 (16), 2311-2313, 2011
On the relationship between sloppiness and identifiability
OT Chis, AF Villaverde, JR Banga, E Balsa-Canto
Mathematical biosciences 282, 147-161, 2016
BioPreDyn-bench: a suite of benchmark problems for dynamic modelling in systems biology
AF Villaverde, D Henriques, K Smallbone, S Bongard, J Schmid, ...
BMC systems biology 9, 1-15, 2015
Optimal design of dynamic experiments for improved estimation of kinetic parameters of thermal degradation
E Balsa-Canto, M Rodriguez-Fernandez, JR Banga
Journal of Food Engineering 82 (2), 178-188, 2007
Power-law models of signal transduction pathways
J Vera, E Balsa-Canto, P Wellstead, JR Banga, O Wolkenhauer
Cellular signalling 19 (7), 1531-1541, 2007
A novel, efficient and reliable method for thermal process design and optimization. Part I: Theory
E Balsa-Canto, AA Alonso, JR Banga
Journal of Food Engineering 52 (3), 227-234, 2002
DOTcvpSB, a software toolbox for dynamic optimization in systems biology
T Hirmajer, E Balsa-Canto, JR Banga
BMC bioinformatics 10, 1-14, 2009
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مقالات 1–20