Soon Onn Lai
Soon Onn Lai
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على utar.edu.my
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
PAH emission from various industrial stacks
HH Yang, WJ Lee, SJ Chen, SO Lai
Journal of Hazardous materials 60 (2), 159-174, 1998
Profiles of PAH emission from steel and iron industries
HH Yang, SO Lai, LT Hsieh, HJ Hsueh, TW Chi
Chemosphere 48 (10), 1061-1074, 2002
Health-risk assessment for workers exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a carbon black manufacturing industry
PJ Tsai, HY Shieh, WJ Lee, SO Lai
Science of the total environment 278 (1-3), 137-150, 2001
Synthesis and characterization of novel thin film nanocomposite (TFN) membranes embedded with halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) for water desalination
M Ghanbari, D Emadzadeh, WJ Lau, SO Lai, T Matsuura, AF Ismail
Desalination 358, 33-41, 2015
Preparation of PVDF–TiO2 mixed-matrix membrane and its evaluation on dye adsorption and UV-cleaning properties
HP Ngang, BS Ooi, AL Ahmad, SO Lai
Chemical engineering journal 197, 359-367, 2012
A practical approach to synthesize polyamide thin film nanocomposite (TFN) membranes with improved separation properties for water/wastewater treatment
GS Lai, WJ Lau, SR Gray, T Matsuura, RJ Gohari, MN Subramanian, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (11), 4134-4144, 2016
Characterization of PAHs in the atmosphere of carbon black manufacturing workplaces
PJ Tsai, HY Shieh, WJ Lee, SO Lai
Journal of hazardous materials 91 (1-3), 25-42, 2002
Atmospheric gaseous mercury concentrations in New York State: relationships with meteorological data and other pollutants
YJ Han, TM Holsen, SO Lai, PK Hopke, SM Yi, W Liu, J Pagano, ...
Atmospheric Environment 38 (37), 6431-6446, 2004
Recent progress of oxygen/nitrogen separation using membrane technology
KC Chong, SO Lai, HS Thiam, HC Teoh, SL Heng
J. Eng. Sci. Technol 11 (7), 1016-1030, 2016
The potential of direct contact membrane distillation for industrial textile wastewater treatment using PVDF-Cloisite 15A nanocomposite membrane
NM Mokhtar, WJ Lau, AF Ismail, S Kartohardjono, SO Lai, HC Teoh
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 111, 284-293, 2016
Ultrafiltration as a pretreatment for seawater desalination: A review
WJ Lau, PS Goh, AF Ismail, SO Lai
Membr. Water Treat 5 (1), 15-29, 2014
Wet deposition of mercury at a New York state rural site: concentrations, fluxes, and source areas
S Lai, TM Holsen, PK Hopke, P Liu
Atmospheric Environment 41 (21), 4337-4348, 2007
Tackling colour issue of anaerobically-treated palm oil mill effluent using membrane technology
NAA Amat, YH Tan, WJ Lau, GS Lai, CS Ong, NM Mokhtar, NAA Sani, ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering 8, 221-226, 2015
Emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the liquid injection incineration of petrochemical industrial wastewater
LC Wang, IC Wang, JE Chang, SO Lai, GP Chang-Chien
Journal of Hazardous Materials 148 (1-2), 296-302, 2007
Preparation, characterization, and performance evaluation of polysulfone hollow fiber membrane with PEBAX or PDMS coating for oxygen enhancement process
KC Chong, SO Lai, WJ Lau, HS Thiam, AF Ismail, RA Roslan
Polymers 10 (2), 126, 2018
Sludge characteristics and performances of the sequencing batch reactor at different influent phenol concentrations
ML Leong, KM Lee, SO Lai, BS Ooi
Desalination 270 (1-3), 181-187, 2011
A State-of-Art on the development of Nafion-based membrane for performance improvement in direct methanol fuel cells
WW Ng, HS Thiam, YL Pang, KC Chong, SO Lai
Membranes 12 (5), 506, 2022
Estimation of mercury loadings to Lake Ontario: Results from the Lake Ontario atmospheric deposition study (LOADS)
SO Lai, TM Holsen, YJ Han, PP Hopke, SM Yi, P Blanchard, JJ Pagano, ...
Atmospheric Environment 41 (37), 8205-8218, 2007
An evaluation of direct measurement techniques for mercury dry deposition
SO Lai, J Huang, PK Hopke, TM Holsen
Science of the Total Environment 409 (7), 1320-1327, 2011
Emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from fluidized and fixed bed incinerators disposing petrochemical industrial biological sludge
LC Wang, LF Lin, SO Lai
Journal of hazardous materials 168 (1), 438-444, 2009
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20