Vigor  Yang
Vigor Yang
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Combustion instabilities in gas turbine engines: operational experience, fundamental mechanisms and modeling
TC Lieuwen, V Yang
AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics 210, 657, 2005
Dynamics and stability of lean-premixed swirl-stabilized combustion
Y Huang, V Yang
Progress in energy and combustion science 35 (4), 293-364, 2009
Liquid Rocket Engine Combustion Instability
V Yang, WE Anderson
AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics 169, 577, 1995
Modeling of supercritical vaporization, mixing, and combustion processes in liquid-fueled propulsion systems
V Yang
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28 (1), 925-942, 2000
Combustion instabilities in liquid rocket engines: testing and development practices in Russia
ML Dranovsky, V Yang, FEC Culick, D Talley
AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics 221, 320, 2007
Effect of particle size on combustion of aluminum particle dust in air
Y Huang, GA Risha, V Yang, RA Yetter
Combustion and Flame 156 (1), 5-13, 2009
Effect of swirl on combustion dynamics in a lean-premixed swirl-stabilized combustor
Y Huang, V Yang
Proceedings of the combustion institute 30 (2), 1775-1782, 2005
Metal-based nanoenergetic materials: synthesis, properties, and applications
D Sundaram, V Yang, RA Yetter
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 61, 293-365, 2017
Comprehensive review of liquid-propellant combustion instabilities in F-1 engines
JC Oefelein, V Yang
Journal of Propulsion and Power 9 (5), 657-677, 1993
Overview of combustion instabilities in liquid-propellant rocket engines
FEC Culick, V Yang
Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics 169, 3-38, 1995
Combustion of nano aluminum particles
DS Sundaram, V Yang, VE Zarko
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 51, 173-196, 2015
Modeling high-pressure mixing and combustion processes in liquid rocket engines
JC Oefelein, V Yang
Journal of Propulsion and Power 14 (5), 843-857, 1998
Modeling of combustion and ignition of solid-propellant ingredients
MW Beckstead, K Puduppakkam, P Thakre, V Yang
Progress in Energy and combustion Science 33 (6), 497-551, 2007
Synthesis gas combustion: fundamentals and applications
TC Lieuwen, V Yang, RA Yetter
CRC Press, 2009
A general theory of ignition and combustion of nano-and micron-sized aluminum particles
DS Sundaram, P Puri, V Yang
Combustion and Flame 169, 94-109, 2016
Large-eddy simulation of combustion dynamics of lean-premixed swirl-stabilized combustor
Y Huang, HG Sung, SY Hsieh, V Yang
Journal of Propulsion and Power 19 (5), 782-794, 2003
Combustion of nano-aluminum and liquid water
GA Risha, SF Son, RA Yetter, V Yang, BC Tappan
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 2029-2036, 2007
Combustion of bimodal nano/micron-sized aluminum particle dust in air
Y Huang, GA Risha, V Yang, RA Yetter
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 2001-2009, 2007
An experimental study of combustion dynamics of a premixed swirl injector
JC Broda, S Seo, RJ Santoro, G Shirhattikar, V Yang
Symposium (International) on Combustion 27 (2), 1849-1856, 1998
A numerical study of cryogenic fluid injection and mixing under supercritical conditions
N Zong, H Meng, SY Hsieh, V Yang
Physics of fluids 16 (12), 4248-4261, 2004
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مقالات 1–20