Ferran Estrada, F. Estrada, Estrada F
Ferran Estrada, F. Estrada, Estrada F
Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona (Spain) ICM-CSIC
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Catastrophic flood of the Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis
D García-Castellanos, F Estrada, I Jimenez-Munt, C Gorini, M Fernandez, ...
Nature 462 (7274), 778-781, 2009
A two‐step process for the reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis
F Bache, SM Popescu, M Rabineau, C Gorini, JP Suc, G Clauzon, ...
Basin Research 24 (2), 125-153, 2012
Sediment drifts and deep-sea channel systems, Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin
M Rebesco, CJ Pudsey, M Canals, A Camerlenghi, PF Barker, F Estrada, ...
Significance of bottom currents in deep-sea morphodynamics: an example from the Alboran Sea
G Ercilla, C Juan, FJ Hernández-Molina, M Bruno, F Estrada, B Alonso, ...
Marine Geology 378, 157-170, 2016
The Gulf of Cadiz: an unstable giant contouritic levee
T Mulder, M Voisset, P Lecroart, E Le Drezen, E Gonthier, V Hanquiez, ...
Geo-Marine Letters 23, 7-18, 2003
The sedimentation of the Djibouti Contouritic Drift (SW Mediterranean): Sedimentological and geochemical approaches
B Alonso, N López-González, G Ercilla, D Casas, C Juan, JT Vázquez, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, 2013
Morphosedimentary features and recent depositional architectural model of the Cantabrian continental margin
G Ercilla, D Casas, F Estrada, JT Vázquez, J Iglesias, M García, M Gómez, ...
Marine Geology 247 (1-2), 61-83, 2008
Impact of pulsed Atlantic water inflow into the Alboran Basin at the time of the Zanclean flooding
F Estrada, G Ercilla, C Gorini, B Alonso, JT Vázquez, ...
Geo-Marine Letters 31, 361-376, 2011
Cenozoic deformational structures on the Galicia Bank Region (NW Iberian continental margin)
JT Vázquez, T Medialdea, G Ercilla, L Somoza, F Estrada, MCF Puga, ...
Marine Geology 249 (1-2), 128-149, 2008
The Magdalena Turbidite System (Caribbean Sea): present-day morphology and architecture model
G Ercilla, B Alonso, F Estrada, FL Chiocci, J Baraza, M li Farran
Marine Geology 185 (3-4), 303-318, 2002
New insights on the Sorbas Basin (SE Spain): the onshore reference of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
G Clauzon, JP Suc, D Do Couto, G Jouannic, MC Melinte-Dobrinescu, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 66, 71-100, 2015
Imaging the recent sediment dynamics of the Galicia Bank region (Atlantic, NW Iberian Peninsula)
G Ercilla, D Casas, JT Vázquez, J Iglesias, L Somoza, C Juan, ...
Marine Geophysical Research 32, 99-126, 2011
M Durán, M Nuez, B Alonso, G Ercilla, F Estrada, D Casas, M Farrán
Assessment of sand trapped by coastal structures towards better management …, 0
Pliocene-quaternary tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the NE Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean Sea)
F Estrada, G Ercilla, B Alonso
Tectonophysics 282 (1-4), 423-442, 1997
Relationship between continental rise development and palaeo-ice sheet dynamics, Northern Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin
D Amblas, R Urgeles, M Canals, AM Calafat, M Rebesco, A Camerlenghi, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 25 (9-10), 933-944, 2006
Tectonic indentation in the central Alboran Sea (westernmost Mediterranean)
F Estrada, J Galindo‐Zaldívar, JT Vázquez, G Ercilla, E d'Acremont, ...
Terra Nova 30 (1), 24-33, 2018
Seismic evidence of current-controlled sedimentation in the Alboran Sea during the Pliocene and Quaternary: Palaeoceanographic implications
C Juan, G Ercilla, FJ Hernández-Molina, F Estrada, B Alonso, D Casas, ...
Marine Geology 378, 292-311, 2016
Massive accumulation of highly polluted sedimentary deposits by river damming
A Palanques, J Grimalt, M Belzunces, F Estrada, P Puig, J Guillén
Science of the total environment 497, 369-381, 2014
The Ceuta Drift, Alboran Sea, southwestern Mediterranean
G Ercilla, J Baraza, B Alonso, F Estrada, D Casas, M Farran
High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Galicia Bank Region and neighbouring abyssal plains (NW Iberian continental margin)
G Ercilla, S García-Gil, F Estrada, E Gràcia, A Vizcaino, JT Váquez, S Díaz, ...
Marine Geology 249 (1-2), 108-127, 2008
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مقالات 1–20