Jakub Zahora
Jakub Zahora
Postdoctoral researcher
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على oiip.ac.at
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Fieldwork as failure: Living and knowing in the field of international relations
K Kušić, J Záhora
E-international relations, 2020
Introduction: fieldwork, failure, IR
K Kušić, J Záhora
Fieldwork as failure: Living and knowing in the field of international …, 2020
O nutnosti reflexe oborových norem
J Záhora
Mezinárodní vztahy 51 (3), 73-83, 2016
Between Sovereignty and Biopolitics: The Case of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
J Zahora
Perspectives: Review of International Affairs, 87-110, 2014
Attuning to alterity: From depression to fieldwork
J Záhora
Fieldwork as failure: living and knowing in the field of international …, 2020
Revolutionaries and global politics: War machines from the Bolsheviks to ISIS
O Ditrych
Edinburgh University Press, 2023
Occupation, Sight, Landscape: Visibility and the Normalization of Israeli Settlements
J Zahora
International Political Sociology 15 (4), 460-481, 2021
Fieldwork, Failure
K Kušić, J Záhora
International Relations, E-International Relations, 2020
Analysis of the Official Israeli Discourse during the Second Intifada: Categorisation and Legitimisation
J Záhora
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2013
‘When you come to Ariel, you come to serenity’: Affect, Aesthetics and Normalisation of Colonial Domination in Israeli Settlements
J Zahora
Geopolitics 29 (2), 552-580, 2024
Ignored Histories, Neglected Regions: Origins of the Genosocial Order and the Normative Change Reconsidered
J Zahora
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Politics in the 22nd Century, 145-159, 2023
Vidět (lépe) mezinárodno: Sémiotika obrazu a mezinárodní politika
M Švantner, J Záhora
Czech Journal of International Relations/Mezinárodní Vztahy 57 (4), 2022
To See (Better) the International: Semiotics of the Image and the International Politics
M Švantner, J Záhora
Czech Journal of International Relations 57 (4), 41-69, 2022
Distribution of the Sensible in Besźel and Ul Qoma: Reading Rancière Alongside Miéville’s The City and the City
J Záhora
Unlocking Social Theory with Popular Culture: Remixing Theoretical …, 2021
Mundane Self-Legitimizations of Power: Distribution of the Sensible in the Israeli Settlements in the West Bank
J Záhora
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2018
On the Importance of Reflection on Disciplinary Norms: A Response to Jan Kofroň and Ilona Kruntorádová
J Záhora
Czech Journal of International Relations 51 (3), 73-83, 2016
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–16