Taras Lakoba
Taras Lakoba
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Modifications of the Helbing-Molnar-Farkas-Vicsek social force model for pedestrian evolution
TI Lakoba, DJ Kaup, NM Finkelstein
Simulation 81 (5), 339-352, 2005
Universally‐convergent squared‐operator iteration methods for solitary waves in general nonlinear wave equations
J Yang, TI Lakoba
Studies in Applied Mathematics 118 (2), 153-197, 2007
All-optical regenerator of multi-channel signals
L Li, PG Patki, YB Kwon, V Stelmakh, BD Campbell, M Annamalai, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 884, 2017
Accelerated imaginary‐time evolution methods for the computation of solitary waves
J Yang, TI Lakoba
Studies in Applied Mathematics 120 (3), 265-292, 2008
Conditions for stationary pulse propagation in the strong dispersion management regime
TI Lakoba, J Yang, DJ Kaup, BA Malomed
Optics communications 149 (4-6), 366-375, 1998
All-optical multichannel 2R regeneration in a fiber-based device
M Vasilyev, TI Lakoba
Optics letters 30 (12), 1458-1460, 2005
Hermite-Gaussian expansion for pulse propagation in strongly dispersion managed fibers
TI Lakoba, DJ Kaup
Physical Review E 58 (5), 6728, 1998
A generalized Petviashvili iteration method for scalar and vector Hamiltonian equations with arbitrary form of nonlinearity
TI Lakoba, J Yang
Journal of Computational Physics 226 (2), 1668-1692, 2007
Perturbation theory for the Manakov soliton and its applications to pulse propagation in randomly birefringent fibers
TI Lakoba, DJ Kaup
Physical Review E 56 (5), 6147, 1997
Effects of third-order dispersion on dispersion-managed solitons
TI Lakoba, GP Agrawal
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 16 (9), 1332-1343, 1999
Identifying useful statistical indicators of proximity to instability in stochastic power systems
G Ghanavati, PDH Hines, TI Lakoba
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (2), 1360-1368, 2015
Asymmetric solitons in mismatched dual-core optical fibers
DJ Kaup, TI Lakoba, BA Malomed
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 14 (5), 1199-1206, 1997
Shape of stationary pulse in strong dispersion management regime
TI Lakoba, DJ Kaup
Electronics Letters 34 (11), 1124-1126, 1998
The squared eigenfunctions of the massive Thirring model in laboratory coordinates
DJ Kaup, TI Lakoba
SCAN-9508168, 1995
A new robust regime for a dispersion-managed multichannel 2R regenerator
TI Lakoba, M Vasilyev
Optics Express 15 (16), 10061-10074, 2007
Variational method: How it can generate false instabilities
DJ Kaup, TI Lakoba
Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 (7), 3442-3462, 1996
Influence of the Raman effect on dispersion-managed solitons and their interchannel collisions
TI Lakoba, DJ Kaup
Optics letters 24 (12), 808-810, 1999
Effects of precompensation and postcompensation on timing jitter in dispersion-managed systems
J Santhanam, CJ McKinstrie, TI Lakoba, GP Agrawal
Optics Letters 26 (15), 1131-1133, 2001
Understanding early indicators of critical transitions in power systems from autocorrelation functions
G Ghanavati, PDH Hines, TI Lakoba, E Cotilla-Sanchez
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 61 (9), 2747-2760, 2014
Complete integrability of the Benjamin-Ono equation by means of action-angle variables
DJ Kaup, TI Lakoba, Y Matsuno
Physics Letters A 238 (2-3), 123-133, 1998
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مقالات 1–20