Justice Tankebe
Justice Tankebe
Associate Professor of Criminology, University of Cambridge
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Beyond procedural justice: A dialogic approach to legitimacy in criminal justice
A Bottoms, J Tankebe
J. Crim. l. & Criminology 102, 119, 2012
Viewing things differently: The dimensions of public perceptions of police legitimacy
J Tankebe
Criminology 51 (1), 103-135, 2013
Public cooperation with the police in Ghana: Does procedural fairness matter?
J Tankebe
Criminology 47 (4), 1265-1293, 2009
Public confidence in the police: Testing the effects of public experiences of police corruption in Ghana
J Tankebe
The British Journal of Criminology 50 (2), 296-319, 2010
A multidimensional model of police legitimacy: A cross-cultural assessment.
J Tankebe, MD Reisig, X Wang
Law and human behavior 40 (1), 11, 2016
Self-help, policing, and procedural justice: Ghanaian vigilantism and the rule of law
J Tankebe
Law & society review 43 (2), 245-269, 2009
Police effectiveness and police trustworthiness in Ghana: An empirical appraisal
J Tankebe
Criminology & Criminal Justice 8 (2), 185-202, 2008
Compliance with the law in Slovenia: The role of procedural justice and police legitimacy
MD Reisig, J Tankebe, G Mesko
European journal on criminal policy and research 20, 259-276, 2014
Procedural Justice, Police Legitimacy, and Public Cooperation with the Police among Young Slovene Adults.
MD Reisig, J Tankebe, G Meško
Varstvoslovje: journal of criminal justice & security 14 (2), 2012
Colonialism, legitimation, and policing in Ghana
J Tankebe
International journal of law, crime and justice 36 (1), 67-84, 2008
Police self-legitimacy, use of force, and pro-organizational behavior in Slovenia
J Tankebe, G Meško
Trust and legitimacy in criminal justice: European perspectives, 261-277, 2014
A voice within’: Power-holders’ perspectives on authority and legitimacy
A Bottoms, J Tankebe
Legitimacy and criminal justice: An international exploration, 60-82, 2013
Legitimacy and criminal justice: An introduction
J Tankebe, A Liebling
Legitimacy and criminal justice: An international exploration, 1-6, 2013
Identifying the correlates of police organizational commitment in Ghana
J Tankebe
Police quarterly 13 (1), 73-91, 2010
Rightful authority: Exploring the structure of police self-legitimacy
J Tankebe
Available at SSRN 2499717, 2014
Police legitimacy
J Tankebe
The Oxford handbook of police and policing, 238-259, 2014
In their own eyes: an empirical examination of police self-legitimacy
J Tankebe
International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice 43 (2), 99-116, 2019
Police Legitimacy and the Authority of the State
AE Bottoms, J Tankebe
Hart Publishing Limited, 2017
The making of ‘democracy’s champions’: Understanding police support for democracy in Ghana
J Tankebe
Criminology & Criminal Justice 14 (1), 25-43, 2014
Policing, procedural fairness and public behaviour: A review and critique
J Tankebe
International Journal of Police Science & Management 11 (1), 8-19, 2009
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مقالات 1–20