takuji  waseda
takuji waseda
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Laboratory observations of wave group evolution, including breaking effects
MP Tulin, T Waseda
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 378, 197-232, 1999
Statistical Properties of Directional Ocean Waves: The Role of the Modulational Instability<? format?> in the Formation of Extreme Events
M Onorato, T Waseda, A Toffoli, L Cavaleri, O Gramstad, P Janssen, ...
Physical review letters 102 (11), 114502, 2009
Evolution of a random directional wave and freak wave occurrence
T Waseda, T Kinoshita, H Tamura
Journal of Physical Oceanography 39 (3), 621-639, 2009
Maximum steepness of oceanic waves: Field and laboratory experiments
A Toffoli, A Babanin, M Onorato, T Waseda
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (5), 2010
Freakish sea state and swell‐windsea coupling: Numerical study of the SuwaMaru incident
H Tamura, T Waseda, Y Miyazawa
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (1), 2009
Rogue waves in opposing currents: an experimental study on deterministic and stochastic wave trains
A Toffoli, T Waseda, H Houtani, L Cavaleri, D Greaves, M Onorato
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 769, 277-297, 2015
Excitation of rogue waves in a variable medium: An experimental study on the interaction of water waves and currents
A Toffoli, T Waseda, H Houtani, T Kinoshita, K Collins, D Proment, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (5 …, 2013
Experimental study of the stability of deep-water wave trains including wind effects
T Waseda, MP Tulin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 401, 55-84, 1999
Internal solitary waves in a two-fluid system with a free surface
T Kodaira, T Waseda, M Miyata, W Choi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 804, 201-223, 2016
M2 baroclinic tide variability modulated by the ocean circulation south of Japan
SM Varlamov, X Guo, T Miyama, K Ichikawa, T Waseda, Y Miyazawa
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (5), 3681-3710, 2015
Correlated increase of high ocean waves and winds in the ice-free waters of the Arctic Ocean
T Waseda, A Webb, K Sato, J Inoue, A Kohout, B Penrose, S Penrose
Scientific reports 8 (1), 4489, 2018
Wave breaking in directional fields
AV Babanin, T Waseda, T Kinoshita, A Toffoli
Journal of Physical Oceanography 41 (1), 145-156, 2011
Impact of the four-wave quasi-resonance on freak wave shapes in the ocean
W Fujimoto, T Waseda, A Webb
Ocean Dynamics 69, 101-121, 2019
Anticyclonic eddies and Kuroshio meander formation
H Mitsudera, T Waseda, Y Yoshikawa, B Taguchi
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (10), 2025-2028, 2001
Correlation of hydrodynamic features with LGA radar backscatter from breaking waves
J Fuchs, D Regas, T Waseda, S Welch, MP Tulin
IEEE transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing 37 (5), 2442-2460, 1999
Recent developments of ocean environmental description with focus on uncertainties
EM Bitner-Gregersen, SK Bhattacharya, IK Chatjigeorgiou, I Eames, ...
Ocean Engineering 86, 26-46, 2014
On the eddy‐Kuroshio interaction: Meander formation process
T Waseda, H Mitsudera, B Taguchi, Y Yoshikawa
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C7), 2003
Waves and swells in high wind and extreme fetches, measurements in the Southern Ocean
AV Babanin, WE Rogers, R De Camargo, M Doble, T Durrant, K Filchuk, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 361, 2019
Experimental evidence of the modulation of a plane wave to oblique perturbations and generation of rogue waves in finite water depth
A Toffoli, L Fernandez, J Monbaliu, M Benoit, E Gagnaire-Renou, ...
Physics of Fluids 25 (9), 2013
Enhanced freak wave occurrence with narrow directional spectrum in the North Sea
T Waseda, M Hallerstig, K Ozaki, H Tomita
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (13), 2011
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مقالات 1–20