Juan A. Moriano
Juan A. Moriano
UNED, Madrid, Spain
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A cross-cultural approach to understanding entrepreneurial intention
JA Moriano, M Gorgievski, M Laguna, U Stephan, K Zarafshani
Journal of career development 39 (2), 162-185, 2012
Burnout: A review of theory and measurement
S Edú-Valsania, A Laguía, JA Moriano
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (3), 1780, 2022
Beyond entrepreneurial intentions: values and motivations in entrepreneurship
A Fayolle, F Liñán, JA Moriano
International entrepreneurship and management journal 10, 679-689, 2014
The influence of transformational leadership and organizational identification on intrapreneurship
JA Moriano, F Molero, G Topa, JP Lévy Mangin
International entrepreneurship and management journal 10, 103-119, 2014
Authentic leadership and organizational culture as drivers of employees`s job satisfaction
G Azanza, JA Moriano, F Molero
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones 29 (2), 45-50, 2013
Antecedents and consequences of retirement planning and decision-making: A meta-analysis and model
G Topa, JA Moriano, M Depolo, CM Alcover, JF Morales
Journal of Vocational Behavior 75 (1), 38-55, 2009
El perfil psicosocial del emprendedor universitario The psychosocial profile of the university entrepreneur
JA Moriano, FJ Palací, JF Morales
Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 22 (1), 75-99, 2006
Theory of planned behavior and smoking: Meta-analysis and SEM model
G Topa, JA Moriano
Substance abuse and rehabilitation, 23-33, 2010
Predicting entrepreneurial career intentions: Values and the theory of planned behavior
MJ Gorgievski, U Stephan, M Laguna, JA Moriano
Journal of career assessment 26 (3), 457-475, 2018
El perfil psicosocial del emprendedor: un estudio desde la perspectiva de los valores
JA Moriano, E Trejo, FJ Palací
International Journal of Social Psychology 16 (2), 229-242, 2001
The effects of authentic leadership on turnover intention
G Azanza, JA Moriano, F Molero, JP Lévy Mangin
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 36 (8), 955-971, 2015
Authentic leadership and intrapreneurial behavior: cross-level analysis of the mediator effect of organizational identification and empowerment
S Edú Valsania, JA Moriano, F Molero
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 12 (1), 131-152, 2016
Liderazgo auténtico. Concepto y validación del cuestionario ALQ en España
JA Moriano, F Molero, JPL Mangin
Psicothema, 336-341, 2011
Individualism and entrepreneurship: Does the pattern depend on the social context?
F Liñán, JA Moriano, I Jaén
International Small Business Journal 34 (6), 760-776, 2016
Relating work engagement and workaholism to entrepreneurial performance
M J. Gorgievski, J Antonio Moriano, A B. Bakker
Journal of Managerial Psychology 29 (2), 106-121, 2014
Authentic leadership and employee knowledge sharing behavior: Mediation of the innovation climate and workgroup identification
S Edú-Valsania, JA Moriano, F Molero
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 37 (4), 487-506, 2016
Psicología del trabajo
CM Alcover de la Hera, JA Moriano León, A Osca Segovia, ...
Psicología del trabajo, 2012
A psychosocial study of self-perceived creativity and entrepreneurial intentions in a sample of university students
A Laguía, JA Moriano, MJ Gorgievski
Thinking skills and creativity 31, 44-57, 2019
Cycle commuting intention: A model based on theory of planned behaviour and social identity
D Lois, JA Moriano, G Rondinella
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 32, 101-113, 2015
Authentic leadership and its effect on employees' organizational citizenship behaviours
S Edú Valsania, JA Moriano León, F Molero Alonso, G Topa Cantisano
Psicothema 24 (4), 561-566, 2012
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مقالات 1–20