Suduan Gao
Suduan Gao
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Intensified soil acidification from chemical N fertilization and prevention by manure in an 18-year field experiment in the red soil of southern China
Z Cai, B Wang, M Xu, H Zhang, X He, L Zhang, S Gao
Journal of Soils and Sediments 15, 260-270, 2015
Temperature, water content and wet–dry cycle effects on DOC production and carbon mineralization in agricultural peat soils
AT Chow, KK Tanji, S Gao, RA Dahlgren
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (3), 477-488, 2006
Nitrogen use efficiency in a wheat–corn cropping system from 15 years of manure and fertilizer applications
Y Duan, M Xu, S Gao, X Yang, S Huang, H Liu, B Wang
Field Crops Research 157, 47-56, 2014
Simultaneous sorption of Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, and Cr on soils treated with sewage sludge supernatant
S Gao, WJ Walker, RA Dahlgren, J Bold
Water, air, and soil pollution 93, 331-345, 1997
Environmental factors affecting rates of arsine evolution from and mineralization of arsenicals in soil
S Gao, RG Burau
Journal of Environmental Quality 26 (3), 753-763, 1997
Physical and chemical fractionation of dissolved organic matter and trihalomethane precursors: A review
AT Chow, S Gao, RA Dahlgren
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA 54 (8), 475-507, 2005
Comparison of redox indicators in a paddy soil during rice‐growing season
S Gao, KK Tanji, SC Scardaci, AT Chow
Soil Science Society of America Journal 66 (3), 805-817, 2002
Production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and trihalomethane (THM) precursor from peat soils
AT Chow, KK Tanji, S Gao
Water research 37 (18), 4475-4485, 2003
Biochar effects on yield of cereal and legume crops using meta-analysis
S Farhangi-Abriz, S Torabian, R Qin, C Noulas, Y Lu, S Gao
Science of the Total Environment 775, 145869, 2021
Arsenic distribution, speciation and solubility in shallow groundwater of Owens Dry Lake, California
J Ryu, S Gao, RA Dahlgren, RA Zierenberg
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (17), 2981-2994, 2002
Soil microbial community structure affected by biochar and fertilizer sources
S Dangi, S Gao, Y Duan, D Wang
Applied Soil Ecology 150, 103452, 2020
Characterizing redox status of paddy soils with incorporated rice straw
KK Tanji, S Gao, SC Scardaci, AT Chow
Geoderma 114 (3-4), 333-353, 2003
Impact of rice straw incorporation on soil redox status and sulfide toxicity
S Gao, KK Tanji, SC Scardaci
Agronomy Journal 96 (1), 70-76, 2004
Long-term incorporation of manure with chemical fertilizers reduced total nitrogen loss in rain-fed cropping systems
Y Duan, M Xu, S Gao, H Liu, S Huang, B Wang
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 33611, 2016
Nitrification and acidification from urea application in red soil (Ferralic Cambisol) after different long-term fertilization treatments
Z Cai, B Wang, M Xu, H Zhang, L Zhang, S Gao
Journal of Soils and Sediments 14, 1526-1536, 2014
Water selenium speciation and sediment fractionation in a California flow‐through wetland system
S Gao, KK Tanji, DW Peters, MJ Herbel
Journal of environmental quality 29 (4), 1275-1283, 2000
Long‐term evaluation of manure application on maize yield and nitrogen use efficiency in China
Y Duan, M Xu, B Wang, X Yang, S Huang, S Gao
Soil Science Society of America Journal 75 (4), 1562-1573, 2011
Nitrogen mobility, ammonia volatilization, and estimated leaching loss from long-term manure incorporation in red soil
J Huang, YH Duan, MG Xu, LM Zhai, XB Zhang, BR Wang, YZ Zhang, ...
Journal of integrative agriculture 16 (9), 2082-2092, 2017
Striking a balance between N sources: Mitigating soil acidification and accumulation of phosphorous and heavy metals from manure
Z Cai, B Wang, L Zhang, S Wen, M Xu, TH Misselbrook, AM Carswell, ...
Science of the Total Environment 754, 142189, 2021
Size and XAD fractionations of trihalomethane precursors from soils
AT Chow, F Guo, S Gao, RS Breuer
Chemosphere 62 (10), 1636-1646, 2006
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مقالات 1–20